Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Geely Holding? Group? Marketing Essay

Markets,? Marketing? and? Strategy? Essay? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Strategy? This? essay? will? attempt? to? identify,? analyze? and? discuss? the? strategic? issues? in? Geely? Holding? Group? using? industry? structure? and? dynamics.? There? are? five? competitive? forces? that? shape? the? strategy? of? a? company,? threat? of? new? entrants,? bargaining? power? of? supplier,? bargaining? power? of? buyers,? threat? of? substitute? and? rivalry? among? current? competitors.? However,? as? covering? all? five? forces? will? be? beyond? the? scoop? of? this? essay,? it? will? be? focusing? on? threat? of? ew? entrants? and? rivalry. Even? though? Geely? Holding? Group? exports? cars? on? top? of? selling? in? its? local? market,? its? main? market? is? the? China’s? automobile? industry1.? With? China’s? automobile? market? growing? rapidly? in? the? last? few? years,? it? has? become? one? of? the? biggest? automobile? markets? in? the? world,? this? mean? that? t he? existing? firms? in? the? industry? will? have? to? be? aware? of? new? entrants? into? the? industry.? Gerenally,? barriers? are? high? in? an? automobile? industry,? and? there? are? several? main? factors? contributing? to? this.? One? of? he? factors? is? supply? side? economics? of? scale.? When? firms? have? high? output,? it? allows? them? to? cut? cost? in? production? by? buying? in? bulk? and? because? they? have? huge? buying? power,? supplier? will? not? want? to? lose? them? as? customers? and? give? them? better? deals.? They? will? also? be? able? to? spread? cost? over? more? units? for? their? marketing,? research,? services? and? distribution.? This? means? that? new? entrant? will? have? a? much? higher? cost? of? production? unless? they? are? able? to? come? in? on? a? large? scale.? With? 1. 2? million? Geely? cars? on? the? oad? globally 2,? this? is? certainly? an? advantage? that? Geely? has? over? smaller? new? entrants. Established? firms? also? enjoy? demand? side? benefits? of? scale.? When? more? people? use? the? product,? it? will? assure? people? that? the? product? is? trustable,? causing? even? more? people? to? be? willing? to? pay? for? the? product.? With? products? like? automobiles,? quality? is? important.? Incumbents? have? the? advantage? of? having? experience,? acquiring? technology? and? building? customer? loyalty? over? the? years? thus,? unlike? entrants,? they? do? not? have? to? spend? as? much? on? arketing? and? advertising? to? prove? that? they? are? trustable.? In? 2010,? Geely’s? sales? surpassed? target? by? 15,000? units3.? It? sales? will? be? a? testimony? of? its? reliability? to? new? customers? who? would? be? more? willing? to? buy? from? a? company? that? is? doing? well? than? to? take? a? risk? with? a? newcomer.? All? these? will? discourage? entry,? as? entrants? will? have? to? keep? their? prices? much? lower? to? compete? for? customers.? To? enter? the? automobile? industry,? there? is? a? high? capital? requirement.? The? high? level? of? investment? sometimes? will? keep? entrants? ut? because? it? means? that? risk? is? high.? Entrants? will? need? not? only? to? invest? in? fixed? facilities,? they? will? need? to? invest? in? advertising? and? research,? which? are? mostly? unrecoverable? cost,? if? they? 1? Geely? Automobile? Holdings? Limited? Annual? Report? 2009? [ONLINE].? Available? 2? Geely? Holding? Group? [ONLINE].? Avilable? from:? from: http://hmdatalink. com/PDF/C00530/e00175(116). pdf http://www. geely. com/english/1? 6. html 3? Geely? Auto? sales? surpass? 2010? target.? (January,? 2011)? [ONLINE].? Avaliable?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Management Functions and Roles Essay

This week I interviewed Mr. Bradford, the health care administrator of Willis Knight Health Center. Mr. Bradford has been in the health care field for 17 years. He has been the coordinator and director at the Willis Knight Health Center for 11 years. Human Resources and leadership are two most pressing functions according to Mr. Bradford for his organization. Human resources is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. humanresources. about. com). Human Resource is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. Effective human resource management enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives. (humanresources. about. com) Leadership plays an important role as well. As a leader you should be able to create more leaders, you must be able to have the people following you stand up and get noticed so they in turn have other people following them while a chain of responsibility and cohesiveness forms so you create a well-oiled machine. Working with different individual on daily basics there is no way that you can satisfy each and every one. Creating a safe, healthy and happy workplace will ensure that your employees feel homely and stay with your organization for a very long time. Paying out bonuses or having any kind of variable compensation plan can be both incentive and disillusionment, based on how it’s administered and communicated. Adopt a systematic approach to ensure that knowledge in databases to provide greater access to information posted either by the company or the employees on the knowledge portals of the company. Have open house discussions and feedback mechanism as a leader you should be able to take constructive criticism. (empxtrack. com) There are five key challenges or areas, some strategic and some operational. Leadership, pay and reward, equality and diversity, talent management and service transformation and efficiency. Placing and shaping community leadership and delivering services to empowered and engaged citizens requires a new order of leadership skill and capacity from public sector leaders, both political and managerial. Pay and reward remains the immediate battleground for HR in the short term. National negotiating machinery is increasingly out of touch with the needs of local employers, politically directed by ministers and, as a consequence, is more focused on managing cost managing cost pressures and the broader economic position. Increasingly, the need to ensure organizational approaches to diversity has a true focus upon communities and community cohesion has meant that the role of HR in shaping, supporting and embedding good approaches to equality and diversity. Supply and demand: talent spotting and development and, most importantly, the ability to deploy talent effectively for the future means that HR needs to provide resourcing and development solutions that are faster, more flexible and technology enabled to reduce the bureaucracy and paper-based approaches that many still protect and love. Finally service transformation and efficiency the big challenge, in the future get involved with service transformation and modernisation. (personltoday. com) In conclusion to better services the people we serve is to continue to educate the staff, make winners out of your staff, always make individuals better as you become better and have a great relationship with your staff and patients. Additions to training life experiences can help alone the way, best lessons learned are the ones we learn on our own.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cell-based Therapy For Myocardial Regeneration

Cell-based Therapy For Myocardial Regeneration ABSTRACT Myocardial infarction is one of the main cause of mortality in many countries. Therefore, an effective therapy for myocardial infarction is required. Reperfusion and other conventional therapy have been the mainstay therapy for myocardial infarction. However, many patients remain refractory to this therapy. Cell-based therapy is considered a novel therapy, in which stem cells are used for cardiac repair. Stem cells are potential therapeutic and promising option that could be the alternative solution for salvaging damaged cardiomyocyte. Based on current studies, stem cells are a promising therapeutic approach for myocardial infarction. However, some challenges need to be answered by future studies before this novel therapy can be widely applied. This essay provides an overview of the progress in stem cell therapy for myocardial infarction. INTRODUCTION The robust potential of stem cells were still a mystery, but today, we are constantly getting new information on this parti cular topic. One of the prospects of stem cell therapy is to treat damaged cardiomyocyte (Fischer,, 2009; Beltrami, 2003).Acute myocardial infarction is one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity in many countries. Not only this disease causes a massive socio-economic burden, but also reduces the quality of live for patients who survive the attack (Hamm, 2016). Currently, one of the mainstay therapy for myocardial infarction is rapid revascularization to limit ischaemic damage. Reperfusion and other conventional therapy have undoubtedly saved so many lives, yet there are patients remained refractory to this therapy and left with no other treatment options. In addition to that, many patients who have underwent reperfusion strategy and survived, often left with significant impairment of left ventricular systolic function. One big question remain unanswered. Is there any other treatment option for these patients? Medical therapeutic approach to reduce damaged cardiomyocyte and generate new functioning muscle is the current unmeet need. Stem cells emerge as the novel procedure to restore damaged cardiomyocytes, and this procedure is popularly known as cellular cardiomyoplasty (Pendyala,, 2008; Reinlib, 2000). Many preclinical and clinical trials have documented the potential use of stem cells to generate viable cardiomyocyte and improve cardiac function (Bergmann,, 2009). To date, there are many different types of adult stem cells and progenitor cells used for this procedure, some of which are bone marrow derived stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells and so on. Since the advance of stem cells technology is faster than ever before, this essay aimed to give an evidence based update on stem cells use for myocardial infarction, what we have achieved so far, and what does the future hold for this breakthrough. CELL-BASED THERAPY FOR MYOCARDIAL REGENERATION After an ischaemic attack due to occluded coronary vessels, heart muscle usually left damaged and nonfunctioning. However, recent evidence suggested that the cardiac muscle could actually undergo a limited amount of renewal. A prospect of inducing muscle cell to undergo division for cardiomyocyte replacement, or generating new muscle by stem cells are certainly intriguing (Roell,, 2002; Santoso,, 2011). Stem cells are capable to proliferate in the same state (self-renewal) and differentiate into multiple cell lineages. On the other hand, progenitor cells are more specific and have limited differentiation potential. Mechanism on how stem cells work are as follows: firstly, these stem cells need to be extracted from the source (eg. bone marrow), after that these stem cells need to be delivered to the injured area. These cells are implanted in the myocardium, and due to the nature of these cells, they would grow and differentiate/transdifferentiate into cardiomyocyte. To achieve the goal of cardiac repair, these cells should also have the ability to fuse with the surrounding tissues that their harmonious contraction increases the heart contraction. Furthermore, these newly-formed cardiomyocyte should also express the appropriate electromechanical properties required for contraction to yield a synchronous contraction (Templin,, 2011; Makino,, 1999).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Saul, First King of Israel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Saul, First King of Israel - Essay Example Following Elwell (1991, p. 54) Saul understand a new fact interpreted the Cross. Christians are Christians and speak with conviction of the immense meaning of the Cross solely because another fact has come into the picture, a fact which reverses the apparent meaning of the Cross and enables the believer to see its real place in God's redemptive work. Saul the persecutor of the church illustrates the difference. Before his conversion he knew that Jesus had been crucified, and he took it to prove that Jesus has been disowned by God and rightly rejected by Jewish leaders. Once converted, he saw in the Cross a quite different meaning; in the light of the Resurrection it had a positive and central place in a message that claimed the faith of men ( I Cor. 2:2). But it had that place and meaning only because the Resurrection supplied the interpreting fact that gave the Cross its true place in the Christian message. The Bible mentions this event as "Saul, who is also called Paul" (Acts 13:9). It is possible to say that a new name means a new life for this person. It means a new destiny and mentality. It is important to note the role of the human mind in the guidance of the Spirit. The Spirit comes into a life, the mind must abdicate.

Marriage and Women's Citizenship in the United States Essay

Marriage and Women's Citizenship in the United States - Essay Example This paper will discuss whether the United States was a land of opportunity in the 1960s. In order to understand the trends of naturalization that allowed people to form an attachment with the United States as a political entity and other American during the 1960s, it is rational to review the trends in the previous decades (Cott 1443). Prior to 1850, the United States allowed the people of the ‘white’ descent to enter and settle in the United States of America as citizens. The absorption of whites and the conferment of civil, citizenship and political rights occurred without any barriers. Evidently, whites had the advantage of exploiting the opportunities in the United States without any barriers. On the contrary, the people of color faced the compulsion to work as slaves and labors. Prior to the 1850s, the United States lacked any stipulations that defined concisely the requirements of becoming a citizen. However, 1855 saw the enactment of the initial law that defined the qualifications that an individual had to meet before successful naturalization (1450). This law still allowed whites the unlimited permission to become citizens of the United States as long as they were willing to express allegiance to the state and assume the responsibility of full citizens. Moreover, this law highlighted that white women marred by American citizens were allowed to become citizens. However, women of color that intended to get married or were already married to American whites did not qualify for the naturalization process. Moreover, if American males bore children, these children qualified for citizenship. The 1855 law emphasized the factor of racial qualification because it forbade both women of color to become naturalized as American citizens. Even in cases where litigations resulted, many United States courts applied the 1855 stipulation with the racial qualification clause as the central exclusion factor (1465). The 1855 limited people of color from accessi ng the opportunities in the United States. In 1840, some minority groups had gained entry into the United States and had access to the opportunities at that time. Since the law viewed women as dependents, those married by Americancitizens lacked the privilege of owning property. Moreover, the man served as a critical intermediary that linked the women to the state. In this case, women married to American males had to be content with the husband’s opinion, since the man passed for the family head with a dominant role as defined by the law (1467). Evidently, the surging number of people who sought the naturalization process places emphasis that the United States was a territory with multiple opportunities. The enactment of the laws sought to regulate the number of people who accessed such opportunities. The 1860s saw the immigration department governed by the 1855 act. This act defined the requirements of people that wanted to become citizens to meet. During this period, farmin g was a leading agricultural activity after the exploitation of the California gold rush that had happened two decades prior to the 1960s (1470). However, the 1860s saw reinforcement of the 1855 act that emphasized on the exclusion of certain people who sought to access these opportunities. Chinese women were adversely

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Best Health Insurance Plan in the Market Essay

The Best Health Insurance Plan in the Market - Essay Example Shopping around for the best health insurance plan can be beneficial to both the insured and insurers competitors. However, many people dislike shopping around, and that â€Å"is not only harmful to them but it also detrimental to the competitors† (Frakt 2). Customer loyalty and availability of many insurance providers are the main cause of customer resistance to switching from one provider or plan to another. Customer loyalty can disadvantage consumers and the insurance market. For example, clients who are automatically re-enrolled to the previous insurance plan end up paying higher premiums for the similar services offered at a lower premium by other providers (Frakt 2). Also, it prevents insurance companies from attracting new customers. In addition, it hinders consumers from assessing better insurance packages that can suit various needs of different clients. It hinders innovation and superiority of services leading to services of poor quality (Frakt 3). However, having va rious alternatives in the market can disadvantage the consumers because it is hard to select the best plan among many alternatives (Frakt 3). It can make consumers stick to the previous plan in order to avoid the struggle of selecting an unfamiliar plan. Consumers can benefit from various alternatives when there is adequate information about the available products or service in the market (Frakt 4). In conclusion, having various alternatives for products and services can yield benefits to both consumers and the companies if adequate information is made available for effective decision-making. It promotes innovation among the companies and can lead to a reduction in prices.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ancient world artifacts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ancient world artifacts - Research Paper Example It was during this civilization that important inventions such as the wheel, the art of writing and communication, and the development and construction of cities were made (Pollock, 1999, Pp.3). The civilization flourished between 4000 – 1200 B.C., although the development and settlement of civilizations began as far back as in the 7000 B.C.E. during which the ancient Mesopotamians first learned to farm and herd cattle for livelihood (Armstrong, 2002, Pp.1). The artifacts studied for the purpose of this paper, include: The Sickle sword and the Cylinder seal with modern impression of a winged horse, both of which belong to the middle Assyrian period. The Assyrians were known for their cuneiform writings / inscriptions on clay as well as other instruments. The cruciform form of writing was a way developed during this period to record history and is found in several historiographic documents during this period (Thomason, 2005, Pp. 51). Overview of the Objects:? i) The Sickle Swor d 13th Century B.C. Middle Assyrian Period Source: This curved sword belonged to the Middle Assyrian period, during the 1307 - 1275 B.C. in Mesopotamia. It is made of bronze and contains cuneiform inscriptions on it which mentions the name of the then ruler and King of Assyraia, thus indicating the period and the owner to whom it belongs. The sword has inscriptions on three different places i.e. on both the sides of the blade as well as on the edge / handle. It is called a ‘sickle’ sword because of its unusual curved shape (Bromiley, 1995, Pp. 1037). In ancient Mesopotamia almost all the swords used were sickle shaped and in fact, straight edged swords came into use much later after the end of the first millennium B.C.E. The unique quality about these sickle shaped swords was that they were considered to be very effective for slashing, rather than stabbing during warfare and the shape made it easier to harm the enemy (Bertman, 2003, Pp. 264; Bromiley, 1995). Another quality of these swords was that it was made from one single piece of metal, thus eliminating the need to attach a handle separately, which made it sturdier than the other types of swords (Gabriel, 1990, Pp. 44). The sickle sword first appeared during the Middle Bronze Age II in various places throughout Mesopotamia. It was believed to be an improvement from the battle axe which was used during the previous years. It was used during the reign of the Assyrian king Adadnirari I (Shalev, 2004, Pp. 55). ii.) Cylinder seal, 13th century B.C. Middle Assyrian period Source:, Somervill, 2009, Pp. 22 These seals or 'stamps' were used during the middle Assyrian period as a way of stamping / signing important documents. The cylindrical object i.e. the pipe shaped objects were used to identify individuals. These seals were carved from various materials such as wood, limestone, ivory, and other similar hard materials / stones. The carving on each of these seals / stamps was unique just like signatures. The seals were used for marking goods, letters and for signing official documents. These cylinders first appeared during the 3500 B.C.E and were used continuously throughout the Assyrian period (Somervill, 2009, Pp. 22). These seals were considered to be one of the finest artifacts as well as a significant achievement of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization. The cylinder seals were first created by the Sumerians and were used in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analyze two short stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analyze two short stories - Essay Example Connie is a fifteen years old girl, a typical adolescent, lover of music, theater and boys. Like all teenagers she is in revolt with the existing norms and is in search of independence. The fact that she is unaware of is that, independence brings with it maturity and responsibility and her tender body and mind are not yet prepared for both. While Arnold Friend on the other hand stands for harsh and brutal realities of the world. He is rough and tough. Might is right for him. He personifies lust in its purest form. Connie is impressed by his modern looks and shinning car, forgetting that all that glitters is not always gold. When dragged forcefully into the bitter realities of life by Friend she loses self-control and confidence. Structure of the story The theme is well developed into a unified story. The scene of the story is set in 1960, the period when women have begun their struggle for independence. The concept of modern woman is not yet very common. The naive fifteen years old C onnie sees the whole world from her own point of view. For the rebellions adolescent the life inside the house is very boring. Her mother is always scolding her and comparing her to her elder sister who â€Å"was so plain and chunky and steady that Connie had to hear her praised all the time by her mother and her mother’s sisters.†(Oates 23) Fully aware of her seductive powers Connie is determined to conquer the outside world with her beauty and charm but she is unaware of the forces that are beyond her control. . Exalted in her new discovered power to attract others, specially the high school boys, she finds it easy to control the whole world and lead a life according to her own wishes. She is a perfect epitome of fantasy with her rosy ideas of romance. Appearance is reality for her and everything that exists is real and lovable she â€Å"sat with her eyes closed in the sun, dreaming and dazed with the warmth about her as if this were the kind of love, the caresses o f love.†(Oates 33) The conflict comes in the form of Friend who is powerful, dominating, vicious and ruthless. Connie resists with all her might but she is forcefully dragged into the bitter realities of the mature world. So the whole story becomes tragic. The end is vague like the real life itself in which so many things are unexplainable and hard to understand just as we are told that she sees â€Å"so much land that Connie had never seen before and did not recognized except to know that she was going to it†(Oates 50) Symbolism in the story Symbolism also plays important part in the development of the main theme. The whole story is the symbol of human life; we start our life in such an enthusiastic manner like Connie and want to conquer the whole world. We are euphoric about our energies and power. Then suddenly the bitterness of the hard realities of life shakes us, shattering our belief and faith on ourselves. We are crushed by the burden of life which is often gove rned by the evil forces. Life itself is as vague as the ending of the story. It can be interpreted in so many ways but none of the interpretation bears a happy ending. Music is also used as a symbol in order to develop the theme of the story. It is always there in the fore front or in the back ground leaving its effect on all that is going on. Connie loves music and it is present in her head all the time turning her surrounding into an imaginary world where everything is beautiful and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Quote expansions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quote expansions - Essay Example The streams of traditional progressive, radical queer and trans politics developed over time and in the context of a rapidly changing political, economic, and social landscape. There are two main features of the second half of the twentieth century that shaped the context in which the queer and trans movement developed which includes the active resistance and challenge by radical movement to state violence, and subsequent systematic counterattack, and the immense disorder and transformation of the global economy. Queer, trans, and gender nonconforming people are funneled into the criminal system for many reasons but primarily due to systemic oppression because trans, queer, and gender-variant people experience widespread discrimination, harassment and violence. This interprets into higher risks of imprisonment. Administrating gender can relate the above concept to three precise areas of jurisprudence where the presidential term of gender customs causes trains people the most difficulty. They consist of classification, sex separation, and access to health care. This concept illustrates how anti-discrimination and hate crime laws, are not succeeding to target the most pressing legal problems of the community. Furthermore, it conceptualizes how the governmental focus on areas like poverty law, immigration law, and disability law are the right objects of law reform intercessions. After the 9/11 attacks, the attitude toward gay and lesbian rights changed a bit, as Duggan (44) suggests. This reading relates to Spade’s reading in that it states how neoliberal politicians and state employers started accepting the diversity at the least level. There have been gestures of inclusion from the government, such as from Bush’s administration in the past, which aimed at including the sexual minorities into employment and other areas of life. No matter they are a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Differences and Similarities Between positive and Negative Thinker Essay

Differences and Similarities Between positive and Negative Thinker - Essay Example The more problem coming into their lives the stronger they are. In every depth of problem; they will overcome it. The more fall down into thinking to the solution; the more strong their faith to God. The problem passes by into them the more they enjoy, it. Positive thinker is the people who think that there is a GOD. They believe that every problem that coming into their lives is just a test from the Supreme Being. They believe that God will not going to give a problem that they cannot solve. Deeper the problem deeper the faith in God. Every situation in their lives happier or pain , they going to face it The more test the more perseverance in them. Our lives is only given by GOD. They believe that every cry out into their lives GOD is listening. More and more they persevere. Every problem they face ; they face it with enthusiasm. They think that learning is enjoyable; exciting; learning is just okay; something is required for the job. Activates the world around him positively. A negative thinker is a person who is more to depressive. In every problem they think that it has a one. They think that God has a favorite child. In every problem the negative thinker is always an opposite traits of a positive person. They always tremble in every problem. They always think of nothing will going to happen even if they tried many times. In their lives they always think that every time they try to speak somebody will going to control them.

How the emotion affects the person Essay Example for Free

How the emotion affects the person Essay In the modern world, emotions play such a large role in almost everything people do, it is hard to make a decision which will get the most desirable results. It is true, however it is looked upon, that decisions and choices are mainly made by the emotion that the person is feeling towards the topic. A kind person will go join the Peace Corps and help aide the poor and starving, while a person with no pity towards much of anything will not care enough to do something of that nature. Pity is one of the key emotions in making decisions. If someone feels sorry for another individual, they are much more likely to go out of their way to help this person. Whether it is from dropping a few coins into a beggars cup, or just helping out a friend, people have to go out of their way because of pity. Pity is more than a simple emotion which can lead people do to things for others, however. It can bring upon new feelings within an individual and help them to achieve a higher level of consciousness. Decisions are intertwined with everyone in the worlds lives, and if they do not begin to see the reasons behind their decisions, it could have devastating results. Pity towards an individual can have an effect on almost everything in the world. Whether it is bargaining for the price of clothing, to giving money to a poor person, there can be all kinds of changes depending on a persons circumstance. This, however, is not a good thing because there are always people in the world who do not care about others and can con someone and take advantage of them. Although pity can be good or bad, it is mainly shown as a sign of weakness in a person. It can make someone decide to do irrational things for another and bring them in danger. People say that having a ruthless leader would be bad, but they are wrong because being ruthless does not mean being evil or mean, it just means knowing that feelings cannot get in the way of decisions. Emotions are much more than influences in our decisions, however. They play a key role is almost everything in the world. If there was no emotion in any novels or movies or anything of that nature, how would we be able to enjoy life? Music is basically an extension from our own human emotions, and that is why music can be integrated in much of our situations of life. In movies, it would not sound right if a swinging beat was used in a war scene, or vice  versa. Thus, it is simple to say that emotions do play a role in our lives. The effects of emotions in our lives can vary from person to person, but no matter how hard someone tries, they cannot escape having and feeling these things. Whether it is good or bad, choices are made depending on the emotions involved in the consequences. Pity is one of the major feelings dealt with when faced with a decision about another individual. Are they poor? In need of help? These are both basic questions that are asked to oneself when deciding on what to do in a situation. Although it is impossible to stay out of the grasp of emotions, it is very possible to realize the effects of them, and make decisions based upon the knowledge at hand.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Statistical Analysis Paper Essay Example for Free

Statistical Analysis Paper Essay The article was a cross- sectional, non- experimental case study of social worker’s perceptions of bullies at the workplace and the social worker’s ability to create coping responses to workplace bullying. To collect quantitative information a mail questionnaire was gathered, and individuals’ semi-structured interviews were assessed. The qualitative sample included 111 male and female social worker’s from Washington D.C. the final outcome result were three to five social worker’s reported that he or she were recipients of rude, unpleasant, and unfavorable workplace environmental interactions within a year. The bullies’ targets generally worked in military and mental health outpatient organizations or government agencies. About 35% of the targets held a discreet service role, and 29% held a management or administration role. The results outcome from the study provided evidence that in the social working profession the agencies and organizations need guidelines or tools to help discover, confront, and stop bullying behaviors in the workplace ( Whitaker, T., 2012). See more: how to write an analysis of a research paper Statistical Analysis in the Article The article incorporates tables, descriptive statistics that helps with the understanding of the data, it also provides five tables of illustrations. Table one is about the demographic characteristics of the targets of the workplace bullies, it displays the characteristics of social workers ranging by age, gender, and demographics (Whitaker, T., 2012). Table two is about organizational settings and roles of target, it displayed supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, and clients were all identified as bullies. It showed that women were more than twice as likely (65%) to be identified as bullies as were men 33% (Whitaker, T., 2012). Table three is about the most troubling bullying behaviors, showing that verbally, and covertly hostile  actions were the most troubling bullying behaviors in the workplace. In addition, being treated with disrespect and having work de-valued as the hardest aspects of being bullied at the workplace. Table four was the summary characteristics of bullies, the study showed characteristics were either passive or assertive by the coping scale. The passive behavior ranging score of 24 and assertive score of 60. The median and mean scores were 42.5, and a multiple modal score. The last table, which was five was the classification of Reponses to the coping scale as passive or assertive coded in the same direction the table explained coping strategies and responses (Whitaker, T., 2012). Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics In the article several questions were asked in a questionnaire. The more passive the response, the lower the value assigned to it, the more assertive the response, the higher the value was assigned to it. The targets had a range of coping strategies, the biggest response strategy was talking about the bullying with someone he or she trusted, 93% used this strategy more than once, 66% used the strategy of confronting the person more than once. However, only 17% used formal complaint (Whitaker, T., 2012). The data supported the research problem of workplace bullying. It was noteworthy and explained that three out of five social workers were recipients of rude, unpleasant, and unfavorable workplace environmental interactions. However, the article did not provide inferential statistics. The data was collected through questionnaire and based on actual results to determine the statistics (Whitaker, T., 2012). Conclusion In conclusion, this article explored the issues of workplace bullying of social workers and the coping responses, it included a number of concerned issues for the social working profession. Among these issues included the characteristics of workplace bullies, and coping Reponses. The article suggests that workplace bullying is a serious issue for social workers and needs to create guidelines and tools to help stop bullying behaviors (Whitaker, T., 2012). References Whitaker, T. (2012). Social workers and workplace bullying: Perceptions, responses and implications. Work, 42(1), 115-123.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ways Models May Help Or Hinder The Search For Knowledge Philosophy Essay

Ways Models May Help Or Hinder The Search For Knowledge Philosophy Essay A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world. In what ways may models help or hinder the search for knowledge? Q10. A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world. In what ways may models help or hinder the search for knowledge? The search for knowledge is an ongoing process through which certain humans intend to find answers and confirmations to questions and statements which continually arise in our society. The use of models as representations may help this task; however these may come in many forms. Different people will have a different opinion on what can be considered a model. I believe the word model implies people as role models of a community, recreation of happenings, exemplary of ideas and any possibly fitting set of information which can be made to represent something. These may be divided into categories such as physical, conceptual or mathematical amongst others depending on the way they have been brought together, what they represent and when and how they are used. An Area of Knowledge in which models may be thought to help is in the Natural Sciences. Scientists try to prove laws and theories with them but there is a great jump between a model and the real life situation. For example, a few months ago I was doing the capture/recapture method estimating population size of an organism. In order to do this we used boxes to represent habitats and beans to represent specie. We tried to prove that the smaller the habitat the less percentage error as well as the greater the habitat the more specie found in it. This was the result expected, nevertheless we all had different ways of looking for the beans, some students did not follow the rules and others had their boxs sides flop out. Consequently, our data was not accurate. The environment had been controlled and human fault made results less realistic. This model helped understand the concept and attain knowledge from its simulation but also hindered the latter as there was room for error. Another example is maps. These are a representation of the world on paper; they transmit geographical information and specific characteristics. Maps guide and help to understand the placement of things on earth. They help the search for knowledge as they are easy to comprehend; they show clear and important objects through which an individual can know where he is standing or going to next visually. However, maps also hinder as roads may be added or changed and information is limited as if absolutely everything was to be drawn on them things would overlap each other and make the search for knowledge difficult rather than clear and easy. Interpreting symbols may be confusing, scales may not be accurate and maps may not always be updated. All these factors alter the quality of knowledge that this model provides. Another example is when a company is to manufacture a product to launch onto the market. Before the real product is made, a prototype is produced. This is the closest representation to the final product. It may be used to change functions or features like shape and colour. It is a base which offers knowledge on how the final product will be like and therefore allows people to work on it to achieve the desired result. This however can be limited by technology, scarcity of adequate resources or perception in the sense that it may not come across in the same way to different people. Some may think the prototype is perfect while others may argue it is not exactly what they wanted. Another important area of knowledge where models are used is in history. Historians try to reconstruct the past with sources such as books written at the time, pictures or other documents. They create models for events to acquire knowledge from an earlier period of time. Here we should question to what extent are models accurate and therefore reliable. For example, the plane crash into the Twin Towers on September 11th was not perceived by everyone in the same way. People who were inside the building and survived will give a different account to that of someone who just witnessed the event on the street or on the news. Based on perspective and emotion, these two people would provide a different re-enactment of what they claim to know. How do we know which one to trust? In this case the accuracy of media and its manipulation of language will also have to be an important factor in the search for knowledge for what really happened and how. In addition, the use of ways of knowing is fairly important when attaining knowledge from a model. Are we using reason or emotion and whether this reason is deductive, Everyone who eats chocolate is fat. John eats chocolates. Therefore, John is fat. Or inductive, All of the Spanish girls we have seen are brunettes. All Spanish girls are brunettes. The latter implies a generalization in which assumptions are problematic because truth is suggested but not ensured. Consequently, the conclusion reached may not be right and result in misleading knowledge which then may be preceded by a wrongful model. Models are created by humans who are led by either language, reason, emotion or perception which make them somehow biased. Models have an input, a processor and an output. Hence, the way we intake information is vital as it will vary our way of seeing the model and detecting to what extent our findings are being hindered or helped. The language in relation to models is also significant. We must examine whether professionals in each field of the areas of knowledge would refer to models in the same way. Would an artist see a model and the information it provides with the same eyes a mathematician would? The same model may not be equally useful to both and the extent to which it hinders or helps what they are looking for may be different to each. This may depend on what they are seeking and what they already know. Take for example Mozarts music. If a mathematician and an artist where to listen to it, a mathematician may be finding a mathematical structure in terms of notes, beat or rhythm whereas the artist may be looking at the emotion the harmony provides. The model is the same, but they both look into it differently. We could think that if they were both to find the same specific information from it which was more inclined to one area of knowledge than the other; one would obtain better results as he is more of an expert in it. Another example of models helping the search and understanding of knowledge is in economics. Graphs, for example, help students understand trends and social behavior. However, these may not always be right as they tend to generalize. Not all people concerned with the study represented may have had a say in it so assumptions have been taken. When thinking of models we should consider whether there are any for resolving ethical situations. Is there a model we can look at for moral direction? For example, if someone comes up to you and asks what they should do if a ship were sinking and they had to save either a relative on one side or a newborn on the other, Is there a model to which we can refer to, to solve this dilemma? We should consider whether models can tell us how to behave, if so, who is to design such models and can they really be universally trustworthy to lead us to a right decision. A table of results may be considered a representation of a community in some aspect. Take for example a set of data which shows a survey on whether the death penalty should be adopted in a country or not. This would help the search for knowledge of peoples opinion on this. Similarly, it would hinder it as different people would have based their answers on different principles. How do we know that the methods used to obtain the results are precise? Can we be certain that it is a true reflection of the countrys view on this topic? Have we considered peoples backgrounds, culture or religious beliefs and if this affects the answer given? Likewise, stereotypes may be seen as role models. For example, Homer, a character from The Simpsons may be seen as a white American stereotype. He is a negative example of what some people may think is the typical American; fat, lazy and not very bright. This may help to understand the qualities and characteristics an American may have, but is it right for people to prejudice a group of individuals on the image a series gives of them? Does this mean they are all like that? How do we know to what extent the series portrays the real American or provides a misleading view of it? In conclusion, models are an important part of our daily life. They may be treated differently in the distinct areas of knowledge and may help or hinder to different extents. When looking at models some of the key factors are baring in mind assumptions, limitations, perspectives and reliability. Can we define the accuracy of knowledge? Probably not, but models do help attain a close representation of reality which contribute significantly to the search for knowledge.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Business Leadership :: essays research papers

Parallel to the evolution that has occured in the business world in decades past, is the evolution of views on participative leadership among managers. Participative leadership refers to the manner in which employers have come to treat their employees. This treatment has evolved from days of traditional, autocratic relationships– in which employees were told exactly what tasks to do, without regard to their feelings or what intelligent input could be made– to today’s spectrum of treatment defined by two terms, human relations and human resources. Managers’ approaches today, now consider, not only the employees feelings, but the potential added benefits they might be able to bring to the firm. The difference between human relations and human resources lies in the goals and expectations of the manager. With human relations, the manager’s primary concern is reducing employee resistance to authority with the satisfaction of the employee’s basic n eeds to feel accomplishment and belonging in the company; secondary is the performance and added benefits the employee may be able to contribute once morale is increased. On the other hand, managers who practices human resources look to empower their employees by encouraging them to take initiative and reach goals by their own capabilities and resources. With the sense of self-accomplishment gained by doing this, it is then that employee morale will be raised. Not only will the employee’s presence truly matter, but the company’s productivity and success will also be greater. Managers’ stances today are headed in the direction of the human resources model, a beneficial move for the welfare of company relations and success, but there are those who still practice human relations. Many companies demonstrate both models, proving employer/employee relationships in today’s companies continue to range the spectrum.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Two guiding companies of the human resource model are Lucent Technologies and Miller Brewing Company. The employees of these firms have been empowered with the ability to work in teams and achieve goals on their own. This flexibility has resulted in creativity and productivity unseen before. The effect: greater employee morale, respect, and overall company success. With the human relations model, such success is uncomparable. Understandably, there are those who still advocate it though. Those people might look at such successful companies as Mary Kay Cosmetics. The consultants of this firm enjoy the encouragement and widespread support, making job loyalty and morale very high. However, in reality, employees of Mary Kay don’t have the opportunity or flexibility to explore their ideas in terms of corporate and influential decisions.

Genocide Apology Essay -- Government

The Politics of Apology – What are your views on moving on, forgive and forget or saying sorry [for any genocide]. â€Å"There comes a time in the history of a nation when peoples must become fully reconciled to their past if they are to go forward with confidence to embrace their future† (Rudd, 2008: p. 167). The concept of apology is often linked to reparations in genocide studies (Lofstrom, 2011: p. 94). Scholars will question whether an apology or an admission of guilt is an adequate post-genocidal response. If an apology is not enough, then how does any institution, government or political group approach the issue of moving on from past wrongs? Does the very act of apologising help to mask the ongoing issues still faced by those who are oppressed? With reference to the Apology to Australia’s Indigenous People offered by the Federal Government on 13 February 2008, has this apology served its intended purpose, or is more work required to achieve an effective and lasting reconciliation between white Australia, and its indigenous forbears. To explore these questions, it is important to gain a wider understanding of the content of an apology, the purpose of an apology, and also to look more closely into the effects of apology in a specific circumstance. Blatz, Schumann and Ross (2009: p. 221) identify 6 key elements that comprise a comprehensive apology. These elements are: remorse, acceptance of responsibility, admission of injustice or wrongdoing, acknowledgement of harm and/or victim suffering, forbearance or promises to behave better in future and offers of repair. These elements should be present in any apology if it is to have the desired effect. Stamato (2008: p. 389) offers an interpretation of the purpose and effec... .... Axis rule in occupied Europe. New York: The Lawbook Exchange Ltd. Lofstrom, J. (2011). Historical apologies as acts of symbolic inclusion – and exclusion? Reflections on institutional apologies as politics of cultural citizenship. Citizenship Studies 15(1):93-108. Murphy, F. (2011). Archives of sorrow: an exploration of Australia’s stolen generations and their journey into the past. History & Anthropology 22(4):481-495. Rudd, K. (2008). Australia, House of Representitives 2008, Debates, vol.HR1, pp. 167, accessed 22/3/2012,;fileType=application%2Fpdf Short, D. (2010). Australia: a continuing genocide? Journal of Genocide Research 12:45-68. Stamato, L. (2008). Peace and the culture and politics of apology. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 20:389-397.

Friday, July 19, 2019

HIV and Its Coreceptors Outline Essay -- Biology AIDS

What is HIV? The Human Immune System * In order to understand HIV, one must understand the human immune system. The first line of defense is a person’s skin, mucous membranes, and other secretions which prevent pathogens from ever entering your body. Pathogens are considered things your body does not want, for example bacteria and viruses. * The second line of defense includes nonspecific mechanisms which attempt to contain the spread of pathogens throughout one’s body. The second line of defense relies heavily on the use of white blood cells, which ingest invading organisms. About 5% of white blood cells are made of monocytes, which develop into macrophages. The role of these macrophages is vital to the human immune system, as they are able to engulf pathogens without having to self destruct. * The body’s third line of defense is a highly specific means of distinguishing â€Å"self† from â€Å"non-self† and destroying all â€Å"non-self†. All of one person’s cells are marked with a unique set of proteins which label them as â€Å"self†. Certain cells in the body are capable of recognizing every antigen (molecules belonging to viruses/bacteria) that may enter one’s body over a lifetime. These cells include macrophages, T-Cells, B Cells, and interior thymus cells. These cells rely on Helper T-Cells to alert them of antigens in the body, thus creating an immune response. Once recognized, Killer T-Cells actively destroy pathogens and even the body’s own cells if that have been invaded by a pathogen. How HIV attacks the Body * As commonly known, HIV cannot penetrate your immune systems first line of defense. You cannot contract HIV by breathing bad air or by holding the hand of somebody who is HIV positive. You have to wo... ... lymphocytes. Phipps and Branch observed Fyn Kinase activity in patients with and without HIV. Those with HIV contained high Fyn Kinase activity and low levels of Fyn protein. They also found that Fyn Kinase activity increases within 30 minutes of infection of the CD4+ T cells. This new-found information revolutionized the way testing for HIV occurs. References: Alkhatib, G. et al, "CC CKR5: A RANTES, MIP-alpha, MIP-1 beta Receptor as a Fusion Cofactor for macrophage-tropic HIV-1." Science 272, 1955 (1996). Grimes, W., R. Hallick, M. Hewlett, J. Aronson, and B. Fishel. Biology 181 Laboratory Manual 2002. Hayden-McNeil Publishing, Inc. Moore, J.P. "Co-receptors: Implications for HIV Pathogenesis and Therapy." Science 276, 51, 1997. Purves, W., D. Sadava, G. Orians, and H. Heller. Life: The Science of Biology , Sixth Edition 2001. Sinauer Associates, Inc.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Value Chain and Competitive Forces

Value Chain and Competitive Forces: Effects of Information Technology Module 2 Case John Dow ITM524: Fundamentals of Information Technology Management Dr. Somebody Somebody February 4, 2012 Introduction Businesses are established with the sole reason to provide a product or service to a customer with the intend to make a profit. The amount of time, effort, and resources spend should generate a profit. Then, the profit depends â€Å"on its effectiveness in performing these activities efficiently, so that the amount that the customer is willing to pay of the products exceeds the cost of the activities in the value chain† (NetMBA. om). Ideally, these products and/or services outpace the competition. In order to do so, Michael Port, suggest a company must sustain long-term profitability (Porter, 2008). He suggests one must look beyond your direct competitors; as explained in his revolutionary 1979 HBR article and further defined in 2008. There, he identifies â€Å"the five forces that shape industry competition†, for businesses to utilize in shaping a strategic vision for long-term sustainability; or better know for the organizations’ sustainability. This paper will deliver as points of discussion or analysis the value chain and competitive forces based on ‘The Mini-cases: 5 companies, 5 strategies, 5 transformations article and cases; and what, if any, affects did Information Technology have on the value chain and competitive forces on those five organizations. Mini Case # 1 – A Better Place In the first mini case, a company called Better Place presents its challenge within timely opportunity. It wants to enable the fastest way to bring electronic filling stations, as future technology, to a market of electronic vehicles. To gain a â€Å"first in† advantage of this new market, the company takes in to full consideration the Cost Advantage and the Value Chain. As identified by Porter, on e of the 10 cost drivers related to the value chain activities is geographical location and timing of market entry. Furthermore, ‘Differentiation and the Value Chain’ analysis was taken into consideration; in other words, the ‘uniqueness’ to gain advantages. Again, Porter identified several drivers of uniqueness. The ones applicable here are (1) policies, (2) timing, (3) location, at a minimum. Developing a strategy to maintain sustainability, or as some novice management called it â€Å"maintain business viability† (Fromartz, S. (2009), is key to ensure long-term success. Better Place’s strategy is accruing a competitive advantage in removing a major barrier to the widespread adaption of electric cars by identifying favorable locations. Mini Case # 2 – Nike Nike had a unique challenge to overcome compliance over criticism of labor practices and capitalize on sustainability efforts. Identifying waste in product design and manufacturing enabled cost savings of $700 million a year. After careful analysis of technology and the value chain, Nike identified inbound and operations technology (The Value Chain, NetMBA. com). Technology was a key enabler to analyze and identify excess materials utilized in manufacturing. For example, it was found it took three shoes’ worth of material to produce just two. A complete Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) approach was adopted. BPR is the analysis and design of workflows and processes within an organization (wikipidia. com). Nike outsourced a value chain activity by hiring experts into the process, like Dow DuPont, and BASF. This enabled the company to evaluate and improve its supply system. The result speaks for itself, as identified above. One could suspect that by definition, an Enterprise Resource Planning Software was integrated or modified to identify the shortcomings in Nike’s supply chain (ERP Definition and Solution CIO. com). Mini Case # 3 – Rio Tinto In its quest for sustainability, Rio Tinto’s challenge was to obtain a â€Å"social license† to operate and nurture the local labor force needed by creating operations â€Å"respectful to the environment, respectful of our employees, that is seen to be sustainable,† said CEO Tom Albanese (Fromartz, S. 2009). Within technology and the value system, this called for an emphasis on media relations to disseminate information to the local community and its leaders. Solid communication practices, i. e. strategic communications, was of the utmost importance to gain the respect and acceptance of the population. Perhaps by obtaining the acceptance of the local population, Rio Tinto was able to mitigate any threats from new entrants into the market at the specific location as well; allowing control of one of the five forces that shape industry competition to remain in check. Finally, helping to form the International Council on Mining and Metals should have allowed them strategic power over existing competitors (another of the 5 forces). Mini Case # 4 – General Electric General Electric’s (GE) challenge was to create a new business in sustainability. GE saw profitable business opportunity in helping companies save energy. To mitigate the ‘Rivalry among Existing Competitors’, GE’s focused on bringing new capacity and was still able to produce pressure on prices; mitigating negative price competition. As Porter mentioned: â€Å"Rivalry is especially destructive to profitability if it gravitates solely to price because price competition transfers profits directly form an industry to its customers. (Porter, 2008) From an information technology standpoint, GE concentrated on effectively measuring the amount of energy savings its products can produce and utilized the data as a proof of concept to customers who were interested in obtaining likewise results. This energy savings called Ecoimagination sold solutions within GE and out of GE; resulting in the company’s saving of $100 million and cut of greenhouse-gas effect by 41%. As the proof of concept was accepted and implemented; GE was invested $4 billion and reaped sales of $17 billion in 2008 (Fromartz, S. (2009). Mini Case # 5 – Wal-Mart Creative new ways of supplying products to the customer has enabled Wal-Mart to ‘green the supply chain’, thereby boosting savings and increase profits to enable enduring sustainability. Wal-Mart identified its criteria down into the supply chain on a three stage path (Fromartz, S. (2009). It sourced information to more than 100,000 supplies about their energy and greenhouse-gas emissions. Then, measured their products throughout their life-cycle and finally made it transparent to the customer. It’s focus on a greener product reaped rewards in a more efficient production, less waste and lower emissions. This effort enabled cost-savings to such an extensive degree that Wal-Mart is able to pass on to the customer—enabling the superstore to maintain a competitive edge†¦a strategy for sustainability. Conclusions In conclusion, innovative approaches give companies an edge over competitive forces within the business value chain. Information technology is a key enabler to gather and disseminate information in a timely fashion; enabling key decision makers with crucial information. Therefore, one must realize technology changes constantly and keeping up with its change is continuous improvement process. References CIO. com. ERP (Enterprice Resource Planning) Definition and Solution. Retrieved on January 28, 2012 from http://www. cio. com/article/40323/ERP_ Definition_ and_Solutions Fromartz, S. (2009). The Mini-Cases: 5 Companies, 5 Strategies, 5 Transformations. MITSloan Management Review, Fall 2009, Volume 51, Number 1. NetMBA Business Knowledge Centers. The Value Chain. Retrieved January 28, 2012 from http://www. netmba. com/ strategy/value-chain/ Porter, M. (2008), The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy. Retrieved January 28, 2012 from http://hbr. Org/2008/01/the-five-competitive-forces-that-shape- Strategy/ar/1 Wikipidia. com. Definition of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). Retrieved January 28, 2012 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Business_process_ reengineering

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Observational Essay Essay

ceremonials are a lineament of primary research that involves giveing conviction watching people or other creatures interact with for each one other and the military personnel around them. Observations are used in nearly every field and give the axe be incredibly useful in gathering information.Types of ParticipationBefore observing, portion out how you as an observer may turn the sluicet being observed.How fully provideing you participate in the event? pull up stakes you simply sit, watch, and take notes with no fundamental interaction?Will you interact with the participants?Will you move a participant yourself?These different choices give the axe radically change what you end up observing. The mere nominal head of an observer may alter the eventsand if you interact with participants, you further venture changing what takes tail end. The other side to this is that by not participating in an event, you may not gain a drop understanding of that event.How to asce rtainWhen observing, it is especially principal(prenominal) to separate notices from your feelings or reactions to observations. A unspoilt means to do this is to take your observations in a double-entry notebook computer. A double-entry notebook has 2 columns, ace for what is directly observed and one is for what the observer interprets from the events. Here is an example Observation The teacher walks around the circle and speaks to each school-age child individually. Interpretation The teacher seems to fate to make sure that each student understands the assignment. If you are observing a mathematical convocation that is not found in man (such as a group of flyer players, a sports team, or a special-interest group), it may be wise to plan to spend multiple sittings with the group. This pass on allow the group some time to adjust to your presence (and hence, for you to get more accurate observations).Recordings vs. Note-takingHow will you be observing? Will you be takin g notes in a notebook? With a laptop? Will you be recording your observations in some way (with a digital camera, video camera, digital recorder, etc? How you choose to observe isanother all-important(prenominal) consideration that can affect the quality and results of your observations. Remember that you cannot capture everything that takes localise with a recording or by even by taking exact notes.What to ObserveObservational skills require some institutionalize The key to being a honest observer is to pay attention to the detail of a situation, write as often as you can, and write it as detailed as possible. Before you observe, you should consider how you will emphasis your observationsbecause you cant focus on everything Research is required for this essay. consider the sample observational essays and note how the students combine research into their work. source http// preference/559/07/Write an observational essay about an intriguing plac e, person, or activity in your community. Your essay may be a brief pen of an individual ground on one or cardinal interviews a description of a place or activity observed at once or twice or a longer, more fully developed profile of a person, place, or activity base on observational visits and interviews conducted over several(prenominal) days. Observe your subject closely, and then stick what you have learnedin a way that some(prenominal) informs and engages readers. Use lots of description. Possible topicideas for observation (see your text for more ideas) -a church or temple (interview the minister/members)-a classroom (interview teacher/students)-a popular hangout-a hospital-any place thats different or gets you distant of your comfort zone-a ride along with an officer-an AA meeting-a protest-a put behind bars-hospice-homeless shelter-shelter for abused women with children

His notes

over the last several years I attain been working on and off award an surplus degree in Education. I am presently working for the El Paso Independent School territorial dominion as a classroom instructor, as well up as a curriculum writer in US History. I look forward to having you in class. Course Description This course provides an overview of the principal cultural, political, and scotch developments that shaped westernern civilization from pre autobiography to the spunk Ages. It presents a framework for understanding current complaisant experience by applying diachronic perspectives to contemporary issues.After the course, assimilators pull up stakes be able o use historical knowledge to solve contemporary issues. Policies Faculty and students/learners allow for be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained inwardly the following two documents University policies You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Inst ructor policies This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies atomic number 18 subject to change. Be certainly to subscribe the policies at the beginning of for each one class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modal value in which you attend class.If you overhear recently changed modalities, read the policies overriding your current class modality. Course Materials The West Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume, e ISBN 9780205947157 Author nana Elevate copyright Pearson Education, Inc. (2014) All electronic materials are available on the student website Week One prehistoric culture and the antiquated World Details Due Points Objectives 1. 1 let off the significance of the transition from the palaeolithic era to the neolithic era. 1. 2 Compare the cultural, political, and economic developments of Mesopotamia and Egypt.Readings Read Chi. 1 The West Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume, e Read Unhistorical make do of the Day From Hunter-gatherers to Food-producers Overcoming Obstacles Read Unhistorical Issue of the Day geographics and Civilization Egypt and Mesopotamia Impact of Agriculture? Attendance & corporation Attendance & Pgraphicsicipate in class watchword. 8/06 2 public lecture Respond to weekly discussion questions. Choose 2 questions to answer and post each week by pm. Week 1 Talking Points What is an serious discovery from prehistory? Why is it valuable?What are the differences between the paleolithic and Neolithic eras? What is grave about the development of human history when we demand the preferences between these two eras? How were the worldviews of the Mesopotamia and Egyptians similar? How were they different? What factors have influenced the way each of these cultures developed their worldviews? What kind of curtilage do we have in order to lay hold of (on prehistory and the ancient civilizations? Does the evidence offer a clear picture of these time pe riods? Why or why not? Which era of Egyptian history was the most successful?Why? Individual Prehistory and the Ancient Civilizations Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explain the significance of the ruinations of humankind from a hunter-gatherer ships company to a food-producing society. Include the following A explanation of the Paleolithic era Events that transformed society from the Paleolithic era to the Neolithic era A verbal description of Neolithic era An explanation of how the transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic was significant in the development of Mesopotamia and Egypt put your paper consistent with PAP guidelines.Galoshes (before 2000 BCC)-?Earliest know fully-developed literary character )d First written linguistic process on cuneiform clay tablets )e boom art work, mosaics (Standard of Our) )f First outlineatic polytheistic religion 01 Sights goddess of love, fertility, and wars 02 Elaborate temple rituals in auguries 03 Religion in Sumerian Oh S acred literature b Influence on Hebrew Bible )g Babylon under reign of Hamburg (1792-1750 BCC) mightily cultural and political center 01 Code of Hamburg Oh accumulation of laws b Earliest evidence of legal system Co Guarantees protection of slaves, women, and childrenOdd Governs complex Babylonian craft system Oh Principle of Justice is retribution 02 Advancements in mathematics and astronomy 03 Jargon, king of Kodak Most important figure in Mesopotamia history )2 Political and economic developments of Mesopotamia )a Several dynasties develop concept of monarchy )b Assyria (northern district of Sumerian)-?kings are chief priests )c Babylonian-?kings and priests have separate offices )d In ulterior stages, influx and intermingling of various cultures, such as Hitters and Assyrian )e expanding upon into Asia Minor, Syria, Persia, Palestine, and Egypt under

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Chinese political culture Essay

The suck got Chinese ramp upmental civilisation relates to semi governmental nuance in importantly divers(prenominal) ship can buoyal from the approaches utilise in new(prenominal) ear attach with equal content. This appropriate touches on to a greater extent than an(prenominal) aspects of Chinese governmental nicety as a result, knowledge the sacred scripture of account gives one(a) a bring out learning of mainland mainland chinas complexity. This assembly of essays manages to light upon this ferment without losing its unity.The starting plane dent of the book explores the modern-day slip of Chinese handed-down kitchen-gardening and its nonion on contemporaneous policy-making gloss. It speaks to the complexity of the terra firmaal that the ternary essays do not check up on on whether neo-Confucianism constantly provides the buns on which contemporary Chinese policy-making culture can rest. Kam Louie examines the role of Confuciani sms wave- triggericle duality amongst wen man of letter and wu warrior to emphasise continuities in the patricentric record of Chinese smart set.Roger Ames, from a various perspective, examines the continue relevancy of Confucianism among intellectuals in his demonstration of the originative utilize of Kant by celebrated scholars Mou Zongsan and Li Zehou in their bm to affirm the relevance of the Confucian heritage. Godwin Chu, however, shows that although in that respect be collision continuities surrounded by the ship room in which the invention of zhong loyalty was apply in traditionalistic chinawargon and during the Maoist design, the person self-assertiveness he observes forthwith marks a study demote with the preceding(a). The split second part of the book take to assimilation and observes decreed ideologies.The chapter on nationalism, by Edward Friedman, reminds us that disdain the workout of a sometimes sibilant nationalistic grandiosit y by its take placeers, the creative activity of a Chinese nation def stop over by the Party- tell mud a foresightful way off, as demonstrate by the inability of the government to establish institutions such as the offbeat state. The chapter by Zhu Jianhua and Ke Huixin, which addresses the braid of Hong Kong in the minds of Chinese in Gungzhou and Shenzhen, suggests that disdain greater picture to a transmutation of opinions, bulk victuals(a) a exceptting verge to Hong Kong salve look at twisted views slightly that territory.Misra Kalpanas chapter on the transformation from neo-Maoism to neo-conservatism offers to explicate this paradox. She argues that the state has successfully vomit up its Jewish-Orthodox Leninist ideology in advance of neo-conservative nationalism thank to the retrieval of the neo-conservative discourses emerge in various(a) milieus of society. ray of light pertinacious addresses cynicism and numbness to governmental sympathies in chinaware in his chapter on anti- policy-making tendencies. heavy as comfortably warns that the anti-political trends whitethorn end up tacitly endorsing the unjust, hunched political governance they lay claim to reject.The leash section enriches these nuances with an spare stage of complexity, by spirit into the disparate variants of Chinese political cultures undercoat among disparate genial strata and regions. Cheng Li looks at the topic of pluralism among entrepreneurs Alan Liu at boor identities Shih Chih-yu at elections in minority areas of the mainland china and mainland China sapidity Wenfang at pietism in China and mainland China and ChuYun-han and Chang Yu-tzung at governance authenticity in China, chinaware, and Hong Kong, by means of the affair of ripe great deal techniques.This tertiary part of the book may familiarise little coherence, provided the good example studies imitate in illustrating the variety of Chinese political cultu re. My solely(prenominal) input signal is roughly Lius boldness that Chinese on the mainland, as well as mainlanders living in Taiwan, are displaying dispirit levels of pietism, and that higher(prenominal)(prenominal) microscope stages of modernisation push down religiosity. not only does this terminal blood line with almost studies on devotion in Taiwan, but the information contradicts this narrative Taiwan displays a higher stage of religiosity than China condescension its greater degree of modernization.It is in any case incumbent to subscriber line that the past ii decades has been a period of queer issue in China, characterized by scotch elaborateness and the outset of its society to the external world. What has followed is a disclose bread and butter for many of its citizens. As a result, China supporters from right(prenominal) its borders have become sure-footed that economical and societal make out will ultimately lead to a more bold politic al transcription and consequently more well-disposed enthronisation conditions. reference Chinese political socialisation 1989-2000. alter by Shiping Hua, preface by Andrew J. Nathan. Armonk (New York), capital of the United Kingdom (England) M. E. Sharpe. 2001. xv, 370 pp.

Monday, July 15, 2019

the increase in electoral support for the Nazi Party

To what bound was the join on in electoral abide for the national socialist companionship in the eld 1928-33 the later(prenominal)math of in force(p) propaganda and run? The geezerhood 1928 to 1933 were precise evidentiary for the national socialist companionship and their leader, Adolf Hitler. by and by the act Munich Putsch, the national socialist companionship had closely and rightfully entered the policy-making blot of Germilitary personnel policy-making science and had prosperingly re-established itself after Hitler was released from prison in 1924. interest on from macrocosm so touchy in the creation eye, the national socialist society had a set off in financial backing re sacrificecap fitting to add sense of the political troupe, allowd 1928 marked a horrific sum up in this.There ar many an other(a) than(prenominal) reckons that contrisolelyed to this emergegrowth in electoral survive for the national socialist fellows hip from 1928-1933, but it was mostly c entirely equal to(p) to strong propaganda and electi unitaryering. national socialist propaganda was chthonian lead of Joseph Goebbels, who was qualified to discern the concerns of both sectors indoors the German nation and rehearse this to stimulate a strange propaganda scheme. An pillowcase of this is where workers were turn to with posters word picture never-ending queues of inert mountain, suggesting that Hitler would be fitted to abrogate unemployment a miracle that was quick real by this group.As thoroughly as sharpening particularized groups, Goebbels was competent to fix a mixing of propaganda techniques, from victimisation posters to nursery rhymes to the radio. The national socialist political companionship presented an picture show that appea lead to e genuinely peerless by means of their intention of propaganda. It is beca rehearse of propaganda that they were able to persuade the national o f their qualification to turn the untaught to one ridden with debts, political inst mogul and doubt to a orbiculate super military unit that was winnerful in e truly aspect. so furthest now, national socialist propaganda is lighten take ined as a singular accomplishment for the national socialist ships company and is doubtlessly one of the important contends why national socialist claim mixed bag magnitude from 1928-1933.Electioneering is the other principal(prenominal) reason for the cast up in electoral back down. In wrong of Nazi policy itself, although it was controversial, Hitler was painstaking to be very detailed closely sure compass points particularly regarding religion. The 25 charge up political platform of the ships company represent that it represents the point of view of coercive Christianity, whereas in candor the Nazi party stood for the arrest opposite. With the bulk of Germans being Christian (2/3 of these were Catholi c and 1/3 Protestant), the Nazis could non reach to give up the church service and bump prankish the mass of the electorate. passim their electioneer, the Nazis employ the SA to restrict the underground and aroundtimes redden carry out much(prenominal) hot attacks that political figures, peculiarly commie political leaders, were ineffectual to stay their throw electioneer. This allowed the Nazi party to tighten up their ambition and allowed them to manipulate the common further victimisation their efficacious propaganda. As the Nazi caller nonionic propaganda rallies to mannikin up electoral get under ones skin, they in like manner unionized members to come across the rallies disguised as potential drop takers. This gave the feeling that the party was passing touristed and then boost right to ballotrs that exponent otherwise vote for some other large party to nominate the Nazis instead. These propaganda rallies were use to persuaded al l of Germany to vote for Hitler and his party because Hitler was able to forever travel almost the democracy apply an airplane. This campaign meant that he was able to direct grapple potential remain firms and use propaganda to bring over them to vote Nazi. It could be claimed that Hitler himself contributed largely to the electoral succeeder of the Nazi political party. umpteen women demonstrate Hitler esthetically personable and idiom was determined on his gleaming low-spirited eyeball and his hearty spirit to state of wards children. hands influence Hitler as a man to honor he was attractive and some newspapers all the same tagged him Hitler the pane. in a higher place all, Hitler was a superb hearer and had the ability to get audiences that was unusual by no other politician and delivered speeches with such power that it was hard non to be move in by his manipulative and direct words. However, it could not be utter that Hitler himself con tributed to the attach in electoral raise to a great point than propaganda and electioneering. another(prenominal) factor that could be argued to have evented in the adjoin in electoral support is the very mode of Germany during that time. side by side(p) on from the trouble of war in 1918, Germany was stampeded with crises after crises. In frugal terms, the accompaniment of the war had resulted in pomposity and labored Germany to embrace loans from the regular army in order to pay the 6600 million in reparations. This meant that when the States suffered from the contend course Crash, Germany was work stoppage by falling off in 1926. vivification standards plummeted and Germany was on the sceptre of a obliging war. Consequently, the German mint looked towards revolutionary parties to provide them with the revolutionary change needful to repossess Germany to a least(prenominal) a overtone stability. Again, whilst this was a big factor in ontogeny of Na zi support, the function in Germany was reconciliation out, oddly as the cause of hyperinflation were debilitative by 1925. Therefore, the hardships that Germany approach during this power point cannot be responsible for the adjoin in the Nazi ships companys electoral victory compared to the propaganda and electoral success that was everlasting end-to-end 1928-1933. In conclusion, the increase in electoral support for the Nazi Party in the old age 1928-33 was the result of good propaganda and electioneering to a far extent. A chassis of factors contributed to this increase, including Hitlers genius and the free fall of Germany during the post-war years. However, the strongest factors were persistently the Nazis propaganda electioneering that was led by Goebbels and their electioneering methods. by means of this, they were able to specifically target groups at heart the electorate and rise up the Nazi attend itself which pull support from voters and caused the German people to organized religion them to limit Germanys precedent status.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Asthma Outline Essay

A respiratory viral transmittal plays a study determination in classical aspects of bronchial bronchial bronchial bronchial bronchial bronchial bronchial asthma attack assail approach shot and its aggravation which is n auricula atriily associated for just some(prenominal)(prenominal)what 80% of general respiratory condition. viral pathogen associated with respire includes sympathetic Rhinovirus (HRV), respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV), Parainfluenza, and coronavirus (Busse & Lemanske. 2010).Rhinovirus is associated with super C colds that whitethorn arrest crazy throat, venous sinus infection, ear infection and to virtually stop of bronchiolitis and pneumonia (Ameri asshole asthma attack asthma attack is whiz of the most prevailing continuing sicknesss oecumenical characterized by the light of the bronchial sedate muscles. In the unmatched- while(prenominal) 20 course of studys, the incidence of asthma, in particular in children, has g rowing (Wong et al., 2009). instigative and structural departs of asthma in the air lanes track to restricting of the airway, hydrops as increase mucous secretion doing and bronchoconstriction. firearm bronchoconstriction plays a chance upon billet in asthma, more(prenominal) violence has deep been primed(p) on the incitive asthma attack is much oerlooked or napped to the em appearer spacement when talk around disabilities, specially when it comes to treating disabilities among give instruction children. repay fit to advance(a) euphony and an change magnitude acquaintance virtually the ailment, those modify by it be a lot able to spicy habitual sizeable lives. in spite of cosmos treatable, asthma is non a illness that should be taken lightly. Boushey & Fahy verbalise that asthma wasnt considered a ascetic disease until the 1960s when several(prenominal) wheezy deaths took correctpathophysiology of asthma.asthma occurs when a diligents a irway becomes narrow, boyfriends and produces surplus mucus. The patients subsisting becomes forced and originators hoarseness of breathing spell, wheezing, and coughing. bronchial asthma whitethorn be chela for several(prenominal) patients, that for others it whitethorn wee backbreaking complications. bronchial asthma whitethorn withal meddle with activities of solar daytime-to-day financial backing and in near instances muckle be purport threatening. bronchial asthma is not curable, however the symptoms foot be issued with medications. Overtime, asthma may change and trillion individuals global execrable from asthma (WHO 2006). It is judge by the year 2025 in that location allow for an special atomic number 6 one million million million souls diagnosed with asthma. As the preponderance of this non-communicable disease continues to bone in that location mustiness me methods use to program line and monitor. It is with this instauration tha t a require sagacity was conducted in the jot incision (ED) of the Princess Marg art infirmary in Nassau, Bahamas. run out asthma places an wondrous transmission line on individualsasthma is such a prevalent disease. For instance, a damaging reply to an horny var. cornerstone cause an asthma attack (Mark 1007). turn out you rattling seen soul arrest an asthma attack? It is the scariest matter because you cannot do anything some it. They order that thither ar no cures for asthma, and they as well as contain that in that location is some internal therapies that may befriend to manage symptoms of asthma. brook your asthma is tout ensemble obedient and single when shows up from time to time, or if you only engender to bronchial asthma originationIn todays parliamentary procedure children are confront with umteen problems in their day to day life. However, there is one disoblige that affects many a(prenominal) children and can be potentially deadl y if not caught and hardened correctly. This disarray is identify asthma. The field totality for biotechnology teaching fructifys asthma as, asthma attack is a indisposition that causes the airways of the lungs to swell and narrow, lead-in to wheezing, precipitancy of breath, toilet table tightening, and coughing. asthma attack in the main doasthma is characterized by the diseased changes in the submucosal glands, the increase of savourless muscle root and set of the lamina reticularis collectable to the recurrent firing off and overproduction of mucus in the airways (Holgate & Sly, 2014). The insurgent reaction is highly associated with the clinical symptoms of wheezing, coughing, draftly of breath and breast nearness (Cosio, Rosado & Rossi, 2012). The objectives of this search is to dissertate the pathophysiology of asthma, muster inasthma for flavorThe person I consultationed was my 16 year grandson D. inscrutable. Mr. Bass lives in a underage a rcadian fellowship almost twenty transactions away from me. He has had asthma his faultless life. This interview took place at my house, he flock over on a sunshine good afternoon to run across and I conducted the interview. I washed-out somewhat an instant enquire him questions, thus did a brief strong-arm perspicacity on him. He is a natural insubstantial adolescent and had to thrill out had someplace to go.QuestionnaireI offset printing finish autochthonous boy, who has asthma since he was two. He shows up in the hospital and complains approximately precipitance of breath. Steven corset with his find and 6 siblings in a extraneous townspeople in verdant Australia. base on Stevens situation, this adjudicate exit discuss about the pathophysiology about asthma, and then approximate the think ofs voice of providing the treat interest for both Steven and his family.Harver and Kotses (2010) define asthma as the inveterate inflammatory incommode of the airway. asthma is a respiratory condition

Saturday, July 13, 2019

McDonald's Seniors Restaurant Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

McDonalds Seniors take ining house - assigning employmentThese ageing muckle do non concur overmuch to do, and offer hence advantageously cast off half(a) their daylight at her eating place. consort to the case, Quinns finality to restrain her of age(p) customers need by furnishing them to send away proceedsless age at the eating house does not modify the externalize of her McDonalds franchise. Instead, it tarnishes it, and pips her eating house come in alike a meet storey for the out of date volume in her town. The cureds travel by a smoke to a greater extent than age interacting deep down the facility than they do fashioning real(a) purchases. They lie on that point for hours and claim up the chastens that would tolerate differently been diligent by a successive number of deal. If this abridge hides, whence Quinns salary whitethorn plummet. This is because the hazard salute incurred per chair during these layovers is likewise exalted to be overlooked. In addition, junior customers may likewise not desire to be associated with a restaurant that has a predominantly decrepit ring. On the innovative(prenominal) hand, Quinn has successfully conventional a niche merchandise for herself in spite of appearance the aged tribe in her town. She is sure that she gouge trust on this crowd to lease in the pop of her income. These higher-rankings determine the altogetheriance that they grant created with Quinn and her employees to a higher place the spendings that they incur whe neer they eat at her restaurant (Blythe, 2005). It is intimately trusted that in that respect go away unceasingly be ancient tidy sum for Quinn to go after to. They ar not as restless and aspiring(prenominal) as the youth, and would indeed choose to bear where they currently reside. It is indeed infallible that she industrial plant towards retaining this unwavering clientele. In this rega rd, Quinn should by all odds gain the cured citizens to save glide path to her restaurant. The society manner subject argona, which is subject to shoot as numerous as one hundred fifty race, should be born-again into a recreational distance for the seniors. These aged(a) people can take to the woods the beano peppys in that respect, and this would counteract congestion in the primary(prenominal) dine field of honor during the aurora hours. It would besides allow her employees to take away a similarly full(a) ringing with the young patrons who keep going the restaurant. preteen customers be in general impatient, and hence if they obtain neglected, and then they would favour to bring in their meals elsewhere. excess agency in the dine ara would besides rend more people to the restaurant. However, there should never be, as Blythe (2005) puts it, an over-emphasis of acquiring new customers, at the expense of ensuring that the pie-eyed keep s its old ones. The seniors, who cede been Quinns true-blue customers all through, moldiness continue to eff glorious services. Quinn McMahon should antecede the keno motif during the wordy sunup hours of 9am to 11am. Since lotto games are prevalent with several(prenominal) senior citizens, she should suffer into that the company agency is usable for the games. The beano thinking is in truth viable because it allow shed light on her unembellished taxation above the familiar pabulum and present purchases. The customers give be aerated $2 apiece for the 2-hour period and run the game with two of her employees who are underutilized. Quinn should excessively view that coupons are quickly for sale as the prizes to make the games legal, and alter senior citizens to make purchases with them at her retail store. The coupons should withal numerate to a gigantic join of the keno usefulness interchange in minuscule fall prices to

Friday, July 12, 2019

Hitchens Rationality of Atheism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hitchens reasonableness of godlessness - raise suitAnd this puts the whole wonder of institution as forbid by the religions a lanky claim. piety has been a major(ip) shoplifter of military force through with(predicate) come step forward the realness. in tout ensemble integrity of the religions has fought their feature crusades for their deliver blessed places. How, he argues, is that thither is variety between on handsding and the a nonher(prenominal) on the get up of the body politic He cites legion(predicate) examples where this has happened either everywhere the world in the entitle of religions, be it Catholics, Hindus, Muslims or Jews.Similarly, the aro drilld faiths populate account at on the religions guard light-emitting diode them to scoop up to thrown-away(prenominal) assumptions and invention faiths. He quotes Heinrich Heine, In disg plyful ages masses argon direct by religion, as in a instal scorch shadow a dodge adult ma le is the trounce take on he jockeys the roadstead and the paths discontinue than a adult male who asshole att pole to. When twenty-four hours comes, however, it is cockamamy to use unreasoning over-the-hill men for guides. nigh of the religions, concord to him, counter punishments for inner expletives any soul capability get in. If charge up is abhorred wherefore was it that paragon had to pay it at all god who was the all properly creator, could shake tardily redesigned the stallion growing if he did non involve valet de chambre race to bollix up in something want that. gibe to him, the creators of religions, man, dumbfound make it to their utility and to tame half(a) of the kind-hearted beings macrocosm to their control. And virtually of the monotheistic religions, recommend that human beings argon sinners and that they motive to ask to god every day as to a lower place a monarch. Faiths in religion, spiritual dogmas and in star di vination atomic fall 18 all earnestly placed. Aristotle pointed out that check do not move over the akin incoming whereas as per star divination they should be having almost same future. in all these line of descents ar presented by the writer in aliment of atheism.surgical incision 2 review article of Hitchens graven image is not Great.Your perceptual experience and evaluation of Hitchens melody seems to be on the price premise. Hitchen decl ars himself as anti-theist and not free seeer to slit with. though the title dialog of God, in his record he is not presenting himself as a person anti to God. in that locationfore, we strike not look for designate in the withstand for arguments anti to God. As an anti-theism person, he is oppose the practices of theism as we know it. Theism and the dogmas of theism are dictated garbage down millenniums buns and to take that they reconcile into the veritable smirch does not break to the scientific thinking. I think the litmus shew visitation has been wrongly utilise and the detection of the reason has not been taken into consideration.Applying the see 1, self-discipline of what is know is ir apt, we could soft see and the pen establishes kickoff from a make sense of scientific principles how the un realmly dogmas generate criticized and crucified mess who stood up with unused ideas. Whether it is that earth goes bike the sun or that beldame deceitfulness does not exist, the principles of the ghostlike theism did not depart afterthought of their thoughts. It denied the know facts of the case. There are number of cases where Hitchen substantiates, theism has denied cognize scientific facts. Theism fails in the archetypal psychometric test itself.Theism fails in the stand by test too. Whether it is the crusades or the base of Israel at the end of the twinkling humanity War, theism has that created close and destruction in the take in of religion. The sm ell in what is preached by theism has not conduct the populate to rational sprightliness is what is the argument of

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Business Finance Paper- Scott Equipment Organization Essay

melodic phrase finance Paper- Scott Equipment government activity - act eventIt is lay out below the series of fiscal leverage. It musical rhythms the esteem upon the percentageholders follow put in investiture treasure in a corpo dimensionn. The code to picture this per centum is presumptuousness as follows ex integrityrate income (per annum) * blow Shargonholders faithfulness It is from the income account of a companionship that this education to puzzle out arrest on lawfulness is obtained. It is unremarkably dubbed as an imitation measure compargond to new(prenominal) types of measurements. Firstly, because the shargonholders kindledor has no kindred to the dividends nonrecreational to them from the lodges earnings. Secondly, is imputcapable to the position that the shareholders fair-mindedness has no family relationship with what such(prenominal) share would be aband sensationd suffercelled at in the render non bad(p) markets. However, it is not each irrelevant. It is inwrought as a temper of financial leverage since it orders the earning baron of a compevery. It too enables affinity amid companies and in the end in spud selection. (Siciliano, 2003 p111) (A)EXPECTED graze OF perish ON STOCKHOLDERS law funding indemnity EBIT(USD) hail OF DEBT(USD) INCOME value 40% EAIT lawfulness E.R.O.E (%) warring 6000000 1707692.37 1716923.052 2575384.578 40000000 6.438461 conquer 6000000 1190769.24 1923692.304 2885538.456 40000000 7.213846 standpat(prenominal) 6000000 733846.14 2106461.544 3159692.316 40000000 7.899231 functional ceiling functional enceinte is whiz of the major reasons pack study info from the relaxation cruise of either given partnership. It is excessively an vista sometimes referred to as menstruation clubs position. It normally shows in level the condition, financially, of any demarcation in focus. This communicates to the users by relation them about(predicate) wh at would be leftover in a beau mondes scam destination assets subsequent to the allowance of unequal status liabilities. Therefore, if working(a) enceinte is high, this shows that the connection is veneer stripped lead financially. By study the position of the company as depicted by this proportionality, wiz target allege if it owns re microbes bouncy to drag inseparable expansions or if on that point is require to borrow. working crownwork = rate of flow assets genuine liabilities (Kennon, 2011) (B) plunder working capital letter specify backing form _or_ system of government on-going ASSETS pitiable marginination DEBT on the job(p) neat vulturous 30000000 11076923 18923077 temper 30000000 8307692 21692308 materialistic 30000000 5538462 24461538 ongoing dimension actual ratio measures the proportion of incumbent assets against occurrent liabilities. on-line(prenominal) assets are make up of assets tardily standardized into coin a nd coin in. The assets which can be tardily born-again into cash are those assets which can be interchange deep down a expiration of one course of instruction and such amounts use as a honorarium source for the day-after-day parentage operations. occurrent liabilities are obligations for which the ancestry requires cash in a stay of less(prenominal) than one twelvemonth to fiance. electric current ratio only is a itinerary to show how a theatre is able to pay its get around term liabil