Graduate essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
War on Terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
War on Terrorism - Research Paper Example The intrusion of Afghanistan is viewed as the main activity of this war, and at first included powers from the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Afghani Northern Alliance. Since the underlying attack time frame, these powers have been expanded by troops from Germany, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In 2005-2006, Canadian powers there will be expanded to more than 2000 soldiers. Canada additionally bolstered alliance endeavors in Operation Archer, Operation Apollo, Operation Altair, and Operation Athena as a major aspect of the progressing support for Operation Enduring Freedom. The Canadian government, nonetheless, doesn't perceive Iraq as a component of the casual system of help for the assaults of 9/11 and all things considered, has declined to send Forces to that performance center of tasks, in spite of the fact that scores of them are on task to US Forces - for the most part aiding AWACS activities. (Richard Miniter. October 2005) Backing for the United States cooled when America clarified its assurance to attack Iraq in late 2002. The United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Poland, and Australia joined the alliance of the willing, unequivocally supporting U.S.- drove military activity. Different nations, including Canada, Germany, France, Pakistan, and New Zealand contradicted military activity and blocked American endeavors to pass an UN goals unequivocally backing military activity. Nations that didn't take an interest in the attack yet who have made themselves parts of the reproduction and peacekeeping endeavors incorporate Ukraine, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Romania. A large number of the 'Alliance of the willing' nations likewise have sent soldiers to Afghanistan, specific neighboring Pakistan which has repudiated its prior help for the Taliban and contributed a huge number of warriors to the contention. Backing for the War on Terrorism: Supporters state that majority rules system in customarily dictator nations has a transformative force that will add to harmony and steadiness. Supporters minimize regular citizen losses by contending that numerous who live close to fear based oppressor cells are probably going to help them substantially, despite the fact that this would suggest that western citizens ought to be viewed as authentic focuses by those restricting western military activity. Some contend that war could go about as a hindrance against psychological militants, showing to potential enlists that they would confront certain reprisal. This contention may hold less water regarding self destruction psychological warfare, or when fear mongers hope to become saints, however can be contended to deflect such assaults by debilitating the calculated base which gives saints explosives and focuses them toward viable targets. (Gary C. Schroen. May 2005) A few experts contend that majority rules system in the Middle East will hoist Islamists, including radicals, who will utilize equitable organizations to pick up power yet at that point execute their imperious plan. Majority rules system can likewise prompt shakiness. To put it plainly, things may deteriorate before they improve, which might be terrible news for the US. Numerous anyway accept that over the long haul expanded equitable administration or the separation of static dictatorships will prompt a superior result than business as usual regardless of whether the rising governments at first restrict U.S. strategies. Some moreover contend that any sort of to some degree vote based government would discover progressively shared view with the U.S. than the current ones regardless of whether rapprochement was progressive and troublesome.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reflective Essay On Project Management Managers And Teams
Question: Portray about the Reflective Essay on Project Management for Managers and Teams. Answer: Proficient direction in the board of venture is significant for venture directors and groups. The learning of venture the board of assortment of information, and arranging process bunch in class gives appropriate rules and rules that can be used by venture teams(Cleland, 2013). I had the option to learn best practices and code of morals to manage venture experts. The proficient territories and procedures learnt secured the executives of extension, time, cost, quality, assets, correspondence, hazard and procurement(PMI., 2013). I learnt venture joining the board learning process by understanding different methodologies used to oversee ventures. I picked up concocting a task the executives plan a documentation demonstrating exercises to be performed to accomplish proposed objectives(Wysocki, 2014). The methodologies I learnt depend on procedures utilized for various undertakings. For instance the spry task the board (iterative) which can be utilized in PC related activities. Likewise I had the option to gain from arranging process bunch reasons why individuals plan, disappointments of hopeful and skeptical planning(Larson, 2011). One proficient territory for a task administrator is time the executives. I had the option to grouping and gauge time for different exercises by creating and controlling them(PMI., 2013). I leant both work breakdown structure and basic way strategy as booking devices for time. Work breakdown structure which includes isolating ventures into sub ventures, assignments, subtasks, and work bundles by utilization of codes, while basic way strategy is the longest way demonstrating opportunity to achieve exercises dependent on likely time after thought of idealistic and negative occasions. The learning procedure gave me great bits of knowledge of how assets can be assessed and obtained. I figured out how to utilize undifferentiated from and parametric estimation in arranging and asset costing. One basic part in usage is sourcing of assets for the task. The learning procedure gave me a reasonable information on how obtainment arranging is done from sales, choice, contract granting to contract closeout(Wysocki, 2014). I had the option to figure out how HR are procured and created. The initiative styles include: vote based (permits equivalent dynamic), dictatorial (venture chief settles on choice alone), and participative (everybody is engaged with exercises). Initiative is basic in venture execution, group advancement and inspiration of colleagues. The introduction to initiative styles has helped me pick the best style to utilize in the board of activities. Different aptitudes I learnt included: the utilization of hazard registers demonstrating how dangers can be recognized, dissected reaction and observed, the utilization of correspondence plans indicating channel and method of correspondence. Finally I figured out how quality administration can be kept up, guaranteed and controlled. The additional aptitudes learnt help the executives of undertaking effectively(Larson, 2011). All in all, different procedure discovered hard to appreciate and comprehend they incorporate cost estimation (utilizing strategies of estimations); basic way strategy investigation (counts of various occasions and buoys). I consulted with different understudies who had comprehended the subjects. My quality included utilization of venture hypothetical ideas and standards, while my impediment was the way to make examination and calculations including mathematics and arithmetic in venture the executives. References Cleland, D. A. (2013). Venture the board handbook. New York, United States: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Larson, E. A. (2011). Venture the board: the administrative procedure . New York: Mc Graw Hill. PMI. (2013). A manual for venture the executives group of information . Newtown Square: PA: PMI. Wysocki, R. (2014). Viable undertaking the executives . Indianapolis: John Wiley Sons.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Information Technology Essays - Veterinary Physician,
Data Technology Data Technology Data innovation is a quickly developing some portion of the present society. It influences everybody's life in numerous angles. Each human undertaking is affected by data innovation and the expanding rate at which what it can perform incorporates. One territory of human undertaking that data innovation has significantly affected is the act of medication, explicitly veterinary medication. Not just has veterinary medication been impacted by data innovation, it has likewise been improved by it. How much the act of veterinary medication incorporates data innovation is noticeable at the Animal Emergency Clinic of Focal New York on Erie Blvd. in Syracuse, New York. Segment I: veterinary medication. Specialists of veterinary medication are the individuals who take part in the human undertaking of rehearsing veterinary medication. The exercises that are remembered for this undertaking are the anticipation, conclusion what's more, treatment of creature sicknesses. The most ideal approach to deal with a sickness is to forestall gaining it inside and out. To achieve this creatures are given the accessible inoculations for the most probable maladies they would get as indicated by what kind of creature they are and where they live. Shockingly few out of every odd malady has an inoculation and only one out of every odd creature has the chance to get the accessible inoculations. At the point when an creature becomes ill it is the obligation of the veterinarian to decide the reason of the ailment and the most ideal course of treatment for it. Veterinarians have numerous different obligations also. These range from, yet are not restricted to, treating injured creatures and fixing or fixing them to keeping the spread of infections from creatures to people through agribusiness. The primary school of veterinary medication was in France. It opened in 1761. Veterinary medication schools begun to open in the United States of America during the common war. ( To turn into a specialist of veterinary medication, DVM, one must finish veterinary school. To get acknowledged into a school of veterinary medication, an understudy needs to meet the necessities of that specific vet school. A large portion of the necessities can be fulfilled through college class work. The crucial step is to have done a superior work at meeting these necessities than the opposition has. As an undergrad, the understudy must show not just scholarly greatness and devotion to support what's more, helping other people, yet in addition a huge collection of involvement with the field. To demonstrate that he/she is genuinely committed to the administration of others, network administration must be done and recorded. Working, chipping in also, interning are largely worthy approaches to pick up involvement with the field of veterinary medication. The explanation for schools requiring experience is to guarantee that the understudy realizes what they are getting into before they burn through a large number of dollars (approx. $20,000/yr.) and at any rate four long periods of their life in a very escalated scholarly condition. Numerous individuals have a modified thought of what being a vet is about. A parcel of physical and feeling perseverance is important to be an effective veterinarian. Numerous individuals are ignorant of that. The particular college class necessities to get into a school of veterinary medication fluctuate between the schools. Every one of them are science concentrated. Most require balanced instruction. The University of California at Davis school of veterinary medication requires one year of general science, one year of general science, one year of natural science, and one year of material science to the extent lower division prerequisites. Upper division necessities incorporate a semester of natural chemistry, a semester of fundamental physiology, a semester of vertebrate embryology, and a semester of hereditary qualities. On that they need their candidates to have taken courses in English structure, humanities, sociologies just as insights. Basically taking these courses isn't sufficient, they need to be finished with a GPA over a 2.5. Nonetheless, the opposition has a normal GPA of 3.45. The GRE should likewise be taken and a serious score must be accomplished for thought. Tuskegee University requires two semesters of English, two of math, two of science (Enough to incorporate natural. Which truly implies four), two of material science, three of science, two of creature science, one of creature nourishment, and afterward courses in humanities, sociologies and electives. They include that grades not exactly a c are not satisfactory. When an understudy has meet the entirety of the undergrad prerequisites and has been acknowledged into a school of veterinary medication he/she despite everything has the critical step to look forward as well. It has been said commonly that vet. School is more earnestly than drug. School. The course work is very serious and requesting. Not every person makes it through. No one turns into a vet. for the cash since what one must experience to turn into
Sunday, July 26, 2020
in the pursuit of knowledge
in the pursuit of knowledge Ive always been a knowledge junkie; facts are my hit, and Wikipedia is my dealer. (I was looking through my old computer files and found the above sentence of a college essay that thankfully never made it into my final draft) In spirit, not much has changed since I wrote that travesty of a sentence last year. I still make lame over-the-top metaphors, I still overuse semicolons, and I still browse Wikipedia far too often (The Problem With Wikipedia is basically my life). But Wikipedia, wonderful as it is, is so secondary. And its all about the primary sources. But primary sources are so hard to find, right? Right? Michaels Knowledge Theorem: if you want to learn more about any topic, theres a world-class expert at MIT less than 5 minutes from you. Chorall Corollary 1: If you offer that expert food, he or she is probably more than happy to talk to you about it. Exhibit A: If youve been following the election at all over the past few months, you know that theres been a lot of hyperpartisan rhetoric about the threat of a nuclear Iran. And a lot of that rhetoric is contradictory. Israeli PM Netanyahu has been warmongering, but Israeli intelligence officials have fiercely opposed any preemptive military strike. Obama has imposed heavy sanctions, while Romney has bashed him for being too soft on Iran. Yadda yadda yadda. And if youve been watching the debates, you know that expecting the candidates to say something substantive about Iran on stage is like expecting a monkey to type Hamlet. So its a good thing that MIT has its resident international security expert on hand. Just the other day, I sat down for lunch with Dr. Jim Walsha nuclear expert whos traveled to both Iran and North Korea (fun fact: hes never been to Italy) to negotiate nuclear issues with officials, and has testified in front of the Senateand talked about international nuclear politics for an hour. Among the topics we discussed: how the rhetoric about how Iran is one screwdrivers turn away from a nuclear weapon is false and misinformed; how Irans leadership is divided on whether or not to weaponize, though a military strike on Iran would almost certainly push them towards the weapons decision; and whether Iran or North Korea poses the bigger threat to the U.S. right now. What did I have to do to talk with an international security expert for an hour? I sent an email. Exhibit B: Everyone (or at least college freshman wanting to sound smart) likes to talk about how the electoral system is broken. But what exactly does that mean? Would simply replacing it with the popular vote solve our problem? This morning, I consulted a Nobel laureate to find out (the answer to that last question, by the way, is no). Eric Maskin, visiting from Harvard, talked for an hour about the flaws of the current electoral system and compared various alternatives, ranging from rank-order voting to instant runoff voting to approval voting to majority judgment. (in case youre interested, hes a fan of the Cordorcet, or true majority system, in which voters rank candidates by preference and these rankings are used to compare each candidate head-to-head; the winner is the candidate who wins all pairwise matchups) Exhibit C: I was walking around Stata Center the other day and by chance wandered into Pulitzer Prize-winner and MacArthur Genius Junot Diaz giving a talk. One of the questions I get asked most often by high schoolers is whether MIT is right for them. Thats hard for me to say, because theres no one typical MIT student. But if youre a knowledge junkie like me if you love knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and learning for the sake of learning youll feel right at home here. Chatting with an international security expert, discussing voting systems with a Nobel laureate these are a few examples off the top of my head, and I could name several more if you cared to ask (the Dalai Lama was here last weekend, for instance). Conclusion? MIT is wonderful. If you still dont believe me, Ill just leave you with this GIF from bio lecture today: Long live Gangnam Style, Michael.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Development of Patents Essay - 1375 Words
Development of Patents (Essay Sample) Content: The Development of the Patent System Students NameInstitutions AffiliationThe Development of the Patent System Ideas are good, but one can do nothing without sharing or giving others a chance to use and benefit from them. However, few people would never think of a need to come up with a concept and then have some restrictions applied. Patenting promotes the mind of innovativeness and safeguarding product use for the best interest. In this way, it increases the value of the package. It should be identified that a persons right over his or her own skills is not a measure to limit sharing of property use but intended for promoting efficiency. Patents discourage counterfeits. And once a person is given an exclusive right, one feels relaxed and can invent since he or she will eventually benefit. Therefore, a copyright entitles one to manufacture and use a product of choice. Preference for the modern patent system should be geared towards dynamic efficiency to foster mode rnization, which in turn drives to personal and economic development. The nature of exclusive rights must not be assumed as a way to create a monopoly and eventual jeopardizing future inventions from being created. It should be a transition based on current knowledge and thus offering a competitive advantage notwithstanding the complexities and controversies. Patent as an integral part of the invention has existed for many years (Jaffe Lerner, 2011). The British Parliament laid out the nature and foundation of patents in 1623-24 as an attempt to create awareness of rewarding inventors (Davis, 2001). The Parliament stated that prominence was to be granted to the original inventor. Years later, the patent legislation had already been adopted by most European countries, the U.S. and Japan (Rudyk, 2013). Following these efforts, the system was incorporated to cater for the shifting demands of the industrial revolution. Thus, there was a rebirth in the ways of promoting individua l reputation. Talking about a more classic example, the U.S. has three types of patent rights. Firstly, the utility patents are rights given to a person who discovers a new and valuable process that improves a product. Another type of protection issued is the design patents intended for those who promote ornamental value (Inventor Resources, 2014). Moreover, one more granted official status is to a person who has distinct information regarding a variety of plant. The owner is given the right to exclude others from producing or using the discovery for a period (Inventor Resources, 2014). Moreover, the inventor exercises full control of the new design without interference from others. Relating to the mentioned patents, it should be revealed that benefit is to maintain a pattern that corrects errors in producing and using products. Therefore, enforcing an out-and-out value is an indication of distinguishing efforts towards the goods and services from those of others. Therefore, a chang e in the nature of inventions and the role of patent protection confirms the need for prominent rights (Jaffe Lerner, 2011). In the traditional patent system, a right protected a single product and hence the existence of monopoly power in the market. Thus, the original inventors could exclude others from making or using the concept in any form for a limited time. However, it should be stated that although the mentioned approach allows in building up a market force and getting temporary economic gains, static inefficiency in the economy is created. The effect is that there is a hindered development in further inventions. It is expected that the benefits from these inventions outweigh the production costs. However, the monopoly created is hurtful to the economies. Nevertheless, it should be declared that temporary protection is a calculated approach towards rewarding the investors risks and expenses. Talking about the modern system, patenting has been extended to strengthen new areas . After the intensification of the patent system in the 1980s, the number of applications to them substantially increased particularly in multifaceted technological packages (Geiger Hilty, 2005). In these environments, it was identified that firms needed a legal method that could allow them to take any action against any competitor who sought to use knowledge as theirs (Geiger Hilty, 2005). On the other hand, the amount of official rights to property filed to protect companys packages creates a patent thicket. The limitation of a similar approach in the process of incorporating new ideas may be the eventual outcome. Individuals may hack their way to commercializing the product, and it may end up that the inventor does not benefit or attain the desired objectives. Although firms and individuals have realized the need to establish a mark in the invention, limiting others to exploit the idea and making a suitable connection does not impress or express confidence in their authorship. Despite the preceding benefits, patenting creates controversies. The case of innovation is sequential (Bessen Maskin, 2009) generates a mixed interpretation of what entails an invention. It is common knowledge that one invention leads to another suggesting that imitation might promote strong patent (Park, 2008). Therefore, if the first inventor is given exceptional rights, the flow of invention from that initial endeavor will be automatically hampered. Individuals and innovating firms may thus find themselves in an awkward position. Moreover, it would be hard to welcome competition as the potential of being imitated or imitating is high. In such cases, it can be argued that sequential innovation should be intended for building an existing package while harmonizing the probability of attaining a new level (Bessen Maskin, 2009).Beyond any doubt, it should be recognized that the desired objective to hasten the use of the available service or product may not materialize if pa tenting does not allow flexibility. An exclusive rights system that guarantees unconditional protection prevents any future inventions that might emerge. Moreover, an exceptional problem with the counterargument of a patent right is that it ignores the likelihood of potential and future profits to the innovators. The seriousness of the matter is that the owner may not be well-informed of the rivals future gain (Park, 2008). Thus, the modification may not build on the predecessors effort and thus the probability of serving the needs of the current invention put in doubt. Here, it is seen that the level of innovativeness creates a gap as the hypothesis developed is that new model moves to the opposite direction and thus correspond to weaker innovation. On the contrary, the patent system should not be viewed as the one that creates a problem. However, this would depend on solving the issue of appropriability (Davis, 2001). Knowledge reveals that although market participation is a concern, disparity can be eliminated. Economists have recognized that the design of patent systems determines the balance between static and dynamic efficiency. Studies establish that some of the patent design aspects have first-order effects on innovations in terms of fees charged (De Rassenfosse Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, 2012). In other words, firms can exploit their own knowledge without paying any cost. The advantage is that there will be no need for research and development as this will decline over time, provided the inventor does not hinder such measures. The d... Development of Patents Essay - 1375 Words Development of Patents (Essay Sample) Content: The Development of the Patent System Students NameInstitutions AffiliationThe Development of the Patent System Ideas are good, but one can do nothing without sharing or giving others a chance to use and benefit from them. However, few people would never think of a need to come up with a concept and then have some restrictions applied. Patenting promotes the mind of innovativeness and safeguarding product use for the best interest. In this way, it increases the value of the package. It should be identified that a persons right over his or her own skills is not a measure to limit sharing of property use but intended for promoting efficiency. Patents discourage counterfeits. And once a person is given an exclusive right, one feels relaxed and can invent since he or she will eventually benefit. Therefore, a copyright entitles one to manufacture and use a product of choice. Preference for the modern patent system should be geared towards dynamic efficiency to foster mode rnization, which in turn drives to personal and economic development. The nature of exclusive rights must not be assumed as a way to create a monopoly and eventual jeopardizing future inventions from being created. It should be a transition based on current knowledge and thus offering a competitive advantage notwithstanding the complexities and controversies. Patent as an integral part of the invention has existed for many years (Jaffe Lerner, 2011). The British Parliament laid out the nature and foundation of patents in 1623-24 as an attempt to create awareness of rewarding inventors (Davis, 2001). The Parliament stated that prominence was to be granted to the original inventor. Years later, the patent legislation had already been adopted by most European countries, the U.S. and Japan (Rudyk, 2013). Following these efforts, the system was incorporated to cater for the shifting demands of the industrial revolution. Thus, there was a rebirth in the ways of promoting individua l reputation. Talking about a more classic example, the U.S. has three types of patent rights. Firstly, the utility patents are rights given to a person who discovers a new and valuable process that improves a product. Another type of protection issued is the design patents intended for those who promote ornamental value (Inventor Resources, 2014). Moreover, one more granted official status is to a person who has distinct information regarding a variety of plant. The owner is given the right to exclude others from producing or using the discovery for a period (Inventor Resources, 2014). Moreover, the inventor exercises full control of the new design without interference from others. Relating to the mentioned patents, it should be revealed that benefit is to maintain a pattern that corrects errors in producing and using products. Therefore, enforcing an out-and-out value is an indication of distinguishing efforts towards the goods and services from those of others. Therefore, a chang e in the nature of inventions and the role of patent protection confirms the need for prominent rights (Jaffe Lerner, 2011). In the traditional patent system, a right protected a single product and hence the existence of monopoly power in the market. Thus, the original inventors could exclude others from making or using the concept in any form for a limited time. However, it should be stated that although the mentioned approach allows in building up a market force and getting temporary economic gains, static inefficiency in the economy is created. The effect is that there is a hindered development in further inventions. It is expected that the benefits from these inventions outweigh the production costs. However, the monopoly created is hurtful to the economies. Nevertheless, it should be declared that temporary protection is a calculated approach towards rewarding the investors risks and expenses. Talking about the modern system, patenting has been extended to strengthen new areas . After the intensification of the patent system in the 1980s, the number of applications to them substantially increased particularly in multifaceted technological packages (Geiger Hilty, 2005). In these environments, it was identified that firms needed a legal method that could allow them to take any action against any competitor who sought to use knowledge as theirs (Geiger Hilty, 2005). On the other hand, the amount of official rights to property filed to protect companys packages creates a patent thicket. The limitation of a similar approach in the process of incorporating new ideas may be the eventual outcome. Individuals may hack their way to commercializing the product, and it may end up that the inventor does not benefit or attain the desired objectives. Although firms and individuals have realized the need to establish a mark in the invention, limiting others to exploit the idea and making a suitable connection does not impress or express confidence in their authorship. Despite the preceding benefits, patenting creates controversies. The case of innovation is sequential (Bessen Maskin, 2009) generates a mixed interpretation of what entails an invention. It is common knowledge that one invention leads to another suggesting that imitation might promote strong patent (Park, 2008). Therefore, if the first inventor is given exceptional rights, the flow of invention from that initial endeavor will be automatically hampered. Individuals and innovating firms may thus find themselves in an awkward position. Moreover, it would be hard to welcome competition as the potential of being imitated or imitating is high. In such cases, it can be argued that sequential innovation should be intended for building an existing package while harmonizing the probability of attaining a new level (Bessen Maskin, 2009).Beyond any doubt, it should be recognized that the desired objective to hasten the use of the available service or product may not materialize if pa tenting does not allow flexibility. An exclusive rights system that guarantees unconditional protection prevents any future inventions that might emerge. Moreover, an exceptional problem with the counterargument of a patent right is that it ignores the likelihood of potential and future profits to the innovators. The seriousness of the matter is that the owner may not be well-informed of the rivals future gain (Park, 2008). Thus, the modification may not build on the predecessors effort and thus the probability of serving the needs of the current invention put in doubt. Here, it is seen that the level of innovativeness creates a gap as the hypothesis developed is that new model moves to the opposite direction and thus correspond to weaker innovation. On the contrary, the patent system should not be viewed as the one that creates a problem. However, this would depend on solving the issue of appropriability (Davis, 2001). Knowledge reveals that although market participation is a concern, disparity can be eliminated. Economists have recognized that the design of patent systems determines the balance between static and dynamic efficiency. Studies establish that some of the patent design aspects have first-order effects on innovations in terms of fees charged (De Rassenfosse Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, 2012). In other words, firms can exploit their own knowledge without paying any cost. The advantage is that there will be no need for research and development as this will decline over time, provided the inventor does not hinder such measures. The d...
Friday, May 22, 2020
U.S. Football Terms in Spanish
Everywhere in the Spanish-speaking world, fà ºtbol is that sport known in the United States as soccer. If you want to talk about what people in the U.S. mean when they say football, the term is usually fà ºtbol americano. U.S.-style football is perhaps the most popular U.S. spectator sport that hasnt exported well. So it shouldnt come as a surprise that many of the key English terms for the sport, especially ones such as touchdown that dont have an equivalent in other games, have entered the Spanish lexicon unchanged. Others have been borrowed from other sports: Offside is fuera de juego, just as in soccer. And then there are a few calques as well, such as gol de campo for field goal. Glossary of Football Terms in Spanish Following are the Spanish translations of many common football terms as used by the National Football League, U.S. sports TV networks, Fundà ©u BBVA, and other sources. blitz  la cargablock  el bloqueo, la bloqueada, bloquearbye  el descanso, la fecha librecenter  el centrocheerleader  la cheerleader, la animadorachin strap  el barbuquejocleat  el taco de la botaEl pase pantalla clà ¡sico comienza con formacià ³n de carrera.clipping  el clipping, el bloqueo ilegal por atrà ¡scoach  el entrenadorcornerback  el esquinerodead ball  el balà ³n muertodefense  la defensadefensive end  el exterior defensivodown  el down, el intento, la oportunidaddrive  el drive, la serie ofensivaend zone  la zona de anotacià ³n, la zona final, detrà ¡s de las diagonalesface mask  la mà ¡scara, la barrafield goal  el gol de campofirst/second/third/fourth and ten  primero/segundo/tercero/cuarto y diezfootball (the ball)  el balà ³n, el ovoidefootball (the game)  el fà ºtbol americanoformation â₠¬â€ la formacià ³nfoul  la faltafullbac  corredor de poderfumble  el balà ³n libre, el balà ³n suelto, el balà ³n perdidogoal  el golgoalpost  el posteguard  el guardiahalfback  el corredor rà ¡pidohalftime  el intermedio, el descanso, entre tiemposhelmet  el cascohuddle  pelotà ³n, la pià ±ainterception  la intercepcià ³n, la interceptacià ³ninterference  la interferenciajersey  la camiseta, el jerseykickoff  la patada, el saqueline of scrimmage  la là nea de golpeo, là nea de ataqueleague  la ligalocker room  el vestuarioneutral zone  la zona neutraloffense  el ataqueoffside  fuera de juego, la posicià ³n adelantadaout of bounds  fuera de là mites, fuera del campoovertime  el suplementario, el tiempo extrapass (completed, incompleted)  el pase, el lanzamiento (completo, incompleto)pe nalty  la infraccià ³nplaying field  el campo, el terrenoplayoff  el partido de desempartepoint  el puntopoint after touchdown  el punto extra, el punto adicionalpossession  la posesià ³npreseason  la pretemporadapunt  el depeja, la patada de despeja, despejar, patear un despejepunter  el despejadorquarter  el quartoquarterback  el pasador, el lanzador, el mariscal de camporecord  el rà ©cordreferee  el à ¡rbitroregular season  la temporada regular, la campaà ±areturn  la devolucià ³n;, el retornoroughing  la rudezarun  la carrerasack  el sack, el placaje al lanzador, la capturasafety  el safety, la autoanotacià ³nshoulder pad  la hombrerasideline  la bandaslotback  el receptor libresnap  el snap, el saque, el centro, el intercambiostandings  la clasificacià ³n, la tabla de posicionessu dden death  el muerte sà ºbitaSuper Bowl  el Super Bowl, el Sà ºper Tazà ³n, la Sà ºper Copatackle (action)  la parada, la atajada, la derribada, el placaje, la tacleada, el derribotackle (player)  el tackleteam  el equipotee  el base, el apoyo, el teethigh pad  la musleratight end  el receptor cerradotouchback  el touchbacktouchdown  el touchdown, la anotacià ³nturnover  la perdidas de balà ³nunsportsmanlike conduct  conducta antideportivawide receiver  el receptor abiertowildcard  el equipo comodà n (a comodà n in playing cards is the joker)yard (unit of measurement)  la yardayellow flag  el paà ±uelo amarillo Sample Spanish Sentences About Football Una patada corta es un tipo especial de kickoff que se usa cuando el equipo ofensivo necesita recuperar el balà ³n para seguir atacando. (And onside kick is a special type of kickoff used when the offense needs to recover the ball in order to continue its drive.) La muerte sà ºbita consiste en que el primero que marque un gol, à ©se gana. (Sudden death means that the first to make a goal gains the victory.) Un pase de 19 yardas de Matt Ryan a Austin Hooper puso el marcador 14-0 en favor de los Falcons en el Super Bowl. (A 19-yard pass from Matt Ryan to Austin Hooper put the score 14-0 in favor of the Falcons in the Super Bowl.) El pase pantalla clà ¡sico comienza con formacià ³n de carrera. (The classing screen pass begins with a running formation.)
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